Business Plus

‘My best business habit is having an idea and going for it. I have a creative mind and I trust my gut’

- Andy Noonan, founder and director of Big Grill Festival

Andy Noonan was always destined to be an event organiser. At the age of just 16, he was already running nightclub events in school.

In 2014 he launched

Big Grill Festival, which celebrates its tenth year in Herbert Park in Dublin this August. The festival showcases Irish and internatio­nal chefs, restaurant­s and barbecue experts. It has also expanded into London.

Noonan’s company, Edible Events, launched Me Auld Flower, an indoor food festival in the Fruit, Vegetable and Flower Market in Dublin 7 last March.

What was your earliest ambition?

I wanted to be an internatio­nal DJ from my early teens. I’d watch scratch DJs and the older kids around my estate going to clubs during the 90s rave scene. I got bitten by that bug too and fancied myself travelling the world playing records. I ended up in food, like a lot of DJs and music heads I know.

Were you a good student?

No — I was terrible. I hated school and spent most of my time dreaming about being free from it. I always had jobs outside of school from a young age and found these way more enjoyable. I would happily work for as many hours as was asked of me. I just wanted to get out of school, work and earn some money.

What’s your motto for life?

Why not?

What was the best piece of business advice you ever received?

Don’t beat yourself up, and understand

and admit that you can’t do everything. Delegate. Delegate. Delegate. I try to get better at this week-to-week.

What’s the most difficult thing about running a business?

The unpredicta­bility of rising costs and the complexity of operations as we grow.

Which business people have inspired you?

Danny Meyer of Shake Shack and Union Square Hospitalit­y Group.

What is your favourite piece of clothing?

My winter parka jacket.

What was the last holiday you took?

Thailand last November. We travel a lot for research. Meeting chefs, visiting restaurant­s we’d like to bring to the festival and also getting inspiratio­n.

Which five famous guests would you love to have at your dinner party?

Action Bronson, Jamiroquai, Anthony Bourdain (RIP), Gordon Ramsay and Nigella Lawson.

What are your best and worst business habits?

My worst is that I’m guilty of taking on too much and getting stuck in the mud. My best is having an idea and going for it. I have a creative mind and I like to trust my gut, which generally serves me well.

What car do you drive?

Toyota Landcruise­r — I love them and take mine off-road a lot hunting and towing BBQs. They never let you down.

What Irish business do you wish you had invested in ten years ago?

Ryanair would have been a safe bet.

What item would you save from your house if it went on fire?

My leather roll with all the chef knives that I’ve collected over the years.

If you could be Taoiseach for a month, what legislativ­e change would you make happen?

Lower the VAT rate for hospitalit­y back to 9%. Raising it was completely bonkers. I’d abolish VRT on cars and find a way to offer a substantia­l tax rebate for first-time home buyers.

Big Grill Festival returns to Herbert Park in Dublin from August 22-25. For tickets, see biggrillfe­

 ?? ?? Andy Noonan, founder and director of Big Grill Festival
Andy Noonan, founder and director of Big Grill Festival

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