The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Ahead of J& K election, Army focuses on counter- infiltrati­on, troop redeployme­nt


AHEAD OF the polls in J& K, the Army is working on further strengthen­ing its counter- infiltrati­on grid by redeployin­g its troops, including along the Line of Control ( LOC) fence, in Temporary Operating Bases ( TOBS) in the higher reaches as well as in forests and mountains, where intense search operations would be carried out, officials aware of the plans told The Indian Express.

This re deployment at al l three levels is aimed at destabilis­ing terrorists by disrupting their hideouts and drawing them into contact, as well as denying them access to population centres. Around 300 additional companies of central armed paramilita­ry forces have been deployed for the first phase of the elections, on September 18, and this would be stationed in towns and hinterland­s for the protection of booths, candidates and the voting population. The Army would stay away from the population centres and a sector of the Assam Rifles is also being inducted in the Jammu region.

The Army will be carrying out intense search operations as part of the exercise, the sources added, while there will be largescale seek and destroy operations.

Sources said that tourist access would be temporaril­y denied to specific spots, especially forested areas of North Kashmir that are close to the LOC.

The troops are deployed along the LOC, LOC fence, and the permanent operating bases round the year and operations are carried out regularly. However, the intensity of operations will be raised and a larger number of TOBS will be establishe­d in specific vulnerable areas as part of enhanced security measures during the polls.

Route Opening Parties will also step up operations and more check posts, including mobile vehicle ones, will come up at population centres and roads. Drones will be deployed for increased surveillan­ce and area domination. Surveillan­ce has already been stepped up as regards activities of known overground workers.

Officials said adequate reserves have also been kept by the Army to respond to any contingenc­y in a faster timeframe.

An official admitted that given the enhanced tempo of operations, which can “be sustained for a limited time frame”, they will only be carried out ahead of and during the polls.

Intelligen­ce reports have suggested the terrorists may carry out “low- key incidents to disrupt election activities”, ensuring they don't attract any large- scale retaliatio­n from security forces.

The sources quoted above also said that security forces have prepared their response strategies to deal with various situations that may arise during the elections.

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