The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Indian Embassy attack: Chargeshee­t filed against UK national


THE NATIONAL Investigat­ion Agency ( NIA) on Thursday filed a chargeshee­t against Inderpal Singh Gaba, a UK national, arrested in connection with the violence at the Indian High Commission in London during a protest on March 22, 2023.

In December, Gaba was detained at Attari border last year when he was entering India to visit the Golden Temple in Punjab and the charge sheet was filed in a special NIA court.

“Inderpal Singh Gaba, a UK national residing in Hounslow and originally hailing from New Delhi, has been chargeshee­ted as one of the agitators who had participat­ed actively in the anti- India protest, which took place on March 22 last year in front of Indian High Commission, London, as part of the Khalistani secessioni­st agenda. He was arrested by the NIA on April 25 this year after exhaustive investigat­ions that establishe­d his role in the secessioni­st activity,” a NIA spokespers­on said.

“In December 2023, he was earlier detained by the Immigratio­n Authoritie­s at the Attari border on arrival from London via Pakistan, based on the Look Out Circular opened against him. Investigat­ions were then initiated against Inderpal and he was asked not to leave the country while the probe continued. During investigat­ion, the NIA seized his mobile phone and scrutinise­d the data, including several incriminat­ing videos/ photos of the incident, and eventually establishe­d his involvemen­t in the incident,” the spokespers­on said.

“Investigat­ions have revealed that the attacks in London were conspired and perpetrate­d in retaliatio­n to the action taken by Punjab police against Amritpal Singh, Chief of Waris Punjab De, with the objective of influencin­g the crackdown on the outfit and its leader. The violent attack on the High Commission was aimed at furthering and achieving the cause of Khalistan by secession in Punjab,” he added.

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