The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Dalit leader who fought for SC sub- quota: ‘ Verdict will benefit a hundred generation­s’


FOLLOWING THE SC sub- quota order, Telangana CM Revanth Reddy said the state would start the process to implement reservatio­n for Madigas and other Dalit sub- castes. Madigas are the largest of the 59 SC sub- castes in Telangana. Madiga Reservatio­n Porata Samithi chief MANDA

KRISHNA MADIGA, a supporter of the sub- classifica­tion for decades, told NIKHILA HENRY that the order was a victory for marginalis­ed communitie­s.

How do you feel after the win for sub- caste reservatio­n?

The agitation of Madiga people, which started in 1994, has come to a conclusion. The ruling has brought us much happiness.

A hundred generation­s of Madigas and other downtrodde­n castes will benefit.

What contribute­d to the win?

I attribute this victory to three kinds of people. One, those who gave up their lives for reservatio­n. Secondly, MRPS workers who overcame all odds to stand by the party. Next, I also thank the support given by people of different castes to this agitation.

There are several people who died by suicide in public for the cause. What is your plan for their family members?

We will form committees to support the families. We will give them all that they need after bringing the matter up for discussion in the Madiga Reservatio­n Porata Samithi governing body.

Have you received support from any parties in the past?

We have got support from several parties, including Telugu Desam Party, the Congress and Bharat Rashtra Samithi.

Did the BJP support you?

Yes, we did get support from the BJP too before the elections.

Which party are you aligned with now?

We stand independen­t at this juncture. We have taken help from all parties who supported the sub- categorisa­tion agitation. But we are an independen­t party that struggled and agitated on our own.

 ?? PTI ?? Ahead of the Telangana polls last year, Madiga shared the stage with PM Modi at a rally where he was seen in tears.
PTI Ahead of the Telangana polls last year, Madiga shared the stage with PM Modi at a rally where he was seen in tears.

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