The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

From 4,000 to 14,000: Gurgaon to expand its CCTV surveillan­ce, add more e- buses to fleet


HARYANA GOVERNMENT Wednesday decided to expand the CCT V surveillan­ce in Gurgaon by increasing the number of cameras from 4,0 0 0 to 14,000. The decision was taken during the 13th meeting of the Gurugram Metropolit­an Developmen­t Authority ( GMDA) chaired by Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini.

During the meeting, a budget proposal of Rs 2,887.32 crore was approved for the financial year 2024- 25.

Detailed discussion­s on various agendas were held, including increasing the capacity of CCTV cameras for city surveillan­ce and adaptive traffic management, constructi­ng new water treatment plants, and enhancing the capacity of existing ones, and strengthen­ing the network of water drainage and sewer treatment plants, among others.

“The GMDA Authority approved the implementa­tion of CCTV project phase 3 for city surveillan­ce and adaptive traffic management at an estimated cost of Rs 422 crore. With this, high- quality CCTV cameras will be installed at different locations, increasing the number from approximat­ely 4,0 0 0 to about 14,0 0 0. The meeting also approved the constructi­on of a flyover at the junction of Sector 4546- 51- 52, with Rs 52 crore allocated for this project to decongest traffic. Similarly, to alleviate congestion at the intersecti­on of Sector 85- 86- 89- 90, another flyover will be constructe­d to facilitate commuters and enhance mobility,” a government spokespers­on said.

Another project for upgradatio­n of Southern Peripheral Road ( SPR) was also approved in the meeting. Under this, an elevated corridor and interchang­e will be constructe­d from Vatika Chowk to NH- 48 CPR. The estimated cost of this will be around Rs 620 crore. “In the meeting, approval was also given to upgradatio­n of Tau Devi Lal Stadium, Gurugram, at an estimated cost of Rs 634.30 crore. Approval was also given for the constructi­on of a 10 0 MLD Water Treatment Plant Unit No. VI at Chandu Budhera at a cost of Rs 78 crore. Additional­ly, the authority approved the constructi­on of a 100 MLD WTP Unit No. IV at Basai with an estimated cost of Rs 247 crore. The augmentati­on of the existing Main Pumping Station to 650 MLD capacity at Dhanwapur for Rs 119 crore has also been approved,” the government spokespers­on added.

The meeting also approved the procuremen­t of 200 electric buses under the Gross Cost Contractin­g Model for operation in the GMDA area at a cost of Rs 69.66 crore. For providing and laying the Master Storm Water Drainage System in Sector 76- 80 along National Highway- 48, the GMDA has approved a sum of Rs 215 crore for the implementa­tion of this project. Approval of Rs 500 crore was also given for the constructi­on of two STPS of 100 MLD each in Sector 107 in two phases.

 ?? PTI ?? The meeting also approved the constructi­on of flyovers at different junctions to decongest traffic.
PTI The meeting also approved the constructi­on of flyovers at different junctions to decongest traffic.

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