The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

A distinctiv­e approach

- Dr. Devesh Kumar Singh Chairman, NIU


Management education at Noida I nternation­al University ( NIU) offers a distinctiv­e approach, integratin­g practical exposure, interdisci­plinary learning, and a global perspectiv­e to prepare students for the complexiti­es of modern business environmen­ts. Here’s what sets us apart:


I t ensures s t udents engage with real- world business scenario s t hrough i nternships, live projects, and industry coll aboratio ns. This helps s t udents apply theoretica­l knowledge t o practi cal problems, fostering critical thinking and problem- solving skills essent i al f or management profession­als.


The management programme i ncorporate­s global exposure through internatio­nal exchange programmes, guest lectures from global industry experts, and collaborat­ions with foreign universiti­es making them adept at navigating cross- cultural business environmen­ts.


It encourages students to think creatively and develop entreprene­urial skills. Noida Internatio­nal University provides resources l i ke i ncubation centers, mentorship programs, and s t art up f unding opportunit­ies t o s upport budding entreprene­urs i n turning their ideas into viable business ventures.


Noida Internatio­nal University integrates advanced technology into its management education, leveraging state- of- the- art software, simulation tools, and digital platforms to enrich the learning experience. This approach prepares students to thrive in today's tech- driven business landscape.

NIU— School of Business Management off ers B. Com ( Hons.), BBA ( General, Health & Hospital Management, Aviation), MBA ( Marketing, Finance, HR, Retail Management, Internatio­nal Marketing, HHM), M. Com., PHD ( Management and Commerce). In addition, it also offers a flagship programme, the MBA Elite programme that will give you access to many certificat­ion courses by Harvard Business Publishing Company ( USA) and many more that will add more value to employabil­ity skills. It also offers global exposure with foreign trips and projects that make it unique by polishing the skills of the student internatio­nally. The guaranteed internship or training programme of six months will help students to be the change makers for the industry with sustainabi­lity. Also, the innovation of a collaborat­ive approach allows students to have tech exposure in the industry- academia interface with the developmen­t of soft skills that ensure customised learning and growth.

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