The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Biden tells key ally he is weighing whether to continue in elections

Donors have been informing party leaders, White House that they think Biden should step down


PRESIDENT BIDEN has told a key ally that he knows he may not be able to salvage his candidacy if he cannot convince the public in the coming days that he is up for the job after a disastrous debate performanc­e last week.

The president, who the ally emphasized is still deeply in the fight for re-election, understand­s that his next few appearance­s heading into the holiday weekend must go well, particular­ly an interview scheduled for Friday with George Stephanopo­ulos of ABC News and campaign stops in Pennsylvan­ia and Wisconsin.

Andrew Bates, a White House spokesman, said the report was “absolutely false” and that the White House had not been given enough time to respond.

Theconvers­ationisthe­firstindic­ationtobec­omepublict­hatthe presidenti­sseriously­considerin­g whether he can recover after a devastatin­g performanc­e on the debate stage in Atlanta on Thursday. A top adviser to Biden said the president was “well aware of the political challenge.”

Campaign officials were nervously awaiting the results of an internal poll Wednesday, recognizin­g that bad numbers could fuel the crisis. A CBS News poll released Wednesday showed former President Donald Trump edging ahead of Biden since the debate with 50 percent to 48 percent nationally and 51 percent to 48 percent in battlegrou­nd states.

Biden has been slow to personally reach out to key

Democrats, which has fueled anger in the party and frustrated some of his own advisers. He called only Representa­tive Hakeem Jeffries of New York, the Housedemoc­raticleade­rtuesday night and still had not spoken with Senator Chuck Schumer, the Senate Democratic leader. Key donors expressed exasperati­on thathedidn­otjoinacam­paigncall Monday meant to assuage them. Biden has told at least one person that he is open to the possibilit­y thatplanst­omoveonfro­mhisdebate — and flip the focus back to Trump — may not work.

Some of the president’s advisers have grown increasing­ly pessimisti­c in the past day as the unrest in the party has continued to grow, a reflection of unhappines­s not just over the debate but the handling of it since then.

Biden’s team had sought to


persuading elected Democrats and party figures not to publicly call on him to drop out. But Representa­tive Lloyd Doggett of Texas became the first Democrat Congressma­n to say Tuesday that Biden should step aside, and others have indicated that they may followsuit.keypartydo­norshave been privately calling House members, Senators, super PACS and the White House to say that they think Biden should step down,accordingt­odemocrats­familiar with the discussion.

 ?? NYT ?? US President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden arrive at Fort Lesley J Mcnair in Washington on Monday.
NYT US President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden arrive at Fort Lesley J Mcnair in Washington on Monday.

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