The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Rahul says no aid for martyred Agniveer, Army rebuts: Over `98 lakh already paid


LEADER OF Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi Wednesday said that the family of a martyred Agniveer had received no financial assistance, an allegation countered by the Indian Army which stated that Ajay Kumar’s family had already been paid `98.39 lakh and that the final settlement would be a total of around `1.65 crore.

Gandhionwe­dnesdaysha­red onxapurpor­tedvideoof­kumar’s father, who said he had not received any money. He claimed in his post that Defence Minister Rajnathsin­gh“lied”inparliame­nt aboutcompe­nsationbei­ngissued to families of Agniveers who are killedinac­tion.“...rajnathsin­ghji in front of the photo of Shiv ji lied about the compensati­on to Agniveers. I had said in my speech that don’t listen to me, don’t listen to him. Listen to the families of Agniveers,” said the Congress MP.

After Gandhi’s statement, the Indian Army put out a statement on X titled ‘Clarificat­ion on emoluments to Agniveer Ajay Kumar’, saying: “Certain posts on Social Media have brought out that compensati­on hasn't been paid to the Next of Kin of Agniveer Ajay Kumar who lost his life in the line of duty.”

“It is emphasised that the Indian Army salutes the supreme sacrifice made by Agniveer Ajay Kumar. The last rites were carried out with full Military Honours. Of the total amount due, family of Agniveer Ajay has already been paid Rs 98.39 lakhs,” it said.

“Ex - Gratia and other benefits amounting to approximat­ely 67 lakhs, as applicable according to the provisions of the Agniveer Scheme, will be paid on Final Account Settlement shortly post due Police verificati­on. The total amount will be Rs 1.65 Cr approximat­ely. It is re-emphasised that emoluments due to a fallen hero are paid expeditiou­sly to the Next ofkinofdep­artedsoldi­ers,includinga­gniveers,”saidthesta­tement.

Government sources said that the break-up of compensati­on given to Agniveers killed in the line of duty is as follows — `48 lakh as insurance from the Union government, `50 lakh insurance from financial institutio­ns under an MOU, `39,000 as an additional sum, ex-gratia of `44 lakh, Army welfare fund of `8 lakh, balance of pay till completion of his tenure (`13 lakh) and Seva Nidhi of `2.3 lakh.

“Out of this, money under the first three categories has been paid to the Agniveer’s family, while the remaining `67.3 lakh will be paid after due process,” said the source.

 ?? PTI ?? A screengrab from Rahul Gandhi’s video on X. He accused Defence Minister Rajnath Singh of lying about the Agniveer scheme.
PTI A screengrab from Rahul Gandhi’s video on X. He accused Defence Minister Rajnath Singh of lying about the Agniveer scheme.

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