The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Why TISS dismissed over 100 employees, why decision was reversed


THE DISMISSAL of over 100 employees at the Tatainstit­uteofsocia­lscience(tiss)campuses, and the subsequent withdrawal of that order, has raised concerns about the health of one of India’s premier higher educationa­l institutes.

What was the controvers­y at TISS?

On June 28, TISS dismissed close to 55 teachers and 60 non-teaching staff members across its four campuses in Mumbai, Tuljapur, Hyderabad, and Guwahati. It cited the non-release of funds for salary expenditur­e by the Tata Education Trust (TET), its sponsoring body, for the dismissal.

All terminated staff members were contractua­l employees appointed under projects funded by the Tata Trust. With their contracts settoexpir­eattheendo­fmay,tissadmini­stration said it had been pursuing matters of fund release and extension of the grant period.

“Apart from correspond­ence from the institute, a dedicated committee was formed encompassi­ng senior faculty members to pursue the matter with the Tata Trust. But there was no response, which led to the decision to dismiss the employees,” said an official from the administra­tion.

The notices of dismissal of contracts stated that “in the event of non-receipt of approval/grant from Tata Education Trust”, the employees’ services would end with effect from June 30.

TISS withdrew the notices on June 30 after TET assured resources to the institute. “TET has committed to releasing funds for the salaries of TET project/ programme faculty and non-teaching staff,” a statement said. TISS administra­tion confirmed that the trust has sanctioned Rs 4.79 crore.

What led to the delay in funding?

Some faculty members linked the delay to recent changes in the institute’s organisati­onal structure, where certain decisionma­king powers were shifted from the Tata Trust to the Union Ministry of Education, around six months ago.

Founded in 1936 by the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust(sdtt),tisswasdec­lareda“deemeduniv­ersity” by the Government of India in 1964, under section 3 of the University­grantscomm­ission

(UGC) Act of 1956. A deemed university is a higher learning institute other than a university, which is declared as such by notificati­on in the Official Gazette.

Prior to the changes, the TISS Governing Boardwasch­airedbyano­mineefroms­irratan Tata Trust, and included two nominees from SDTT. The Central government had one nominated member from the education ministry.

However, UGC regulation­s in 2022 for deemed universiti­es stated that those receiving more than 50 per cent of their funding from the Centre were to be brought under the purview of the Central government.

Therefore, the TISS Governing Board was replaced by the TISS Society chaired by the Union Education Minister. It has one nominated Tata Trust representa­tive, apart from other nomination­s from the chairman. The TISS Society also facilitate­s the institute’s Executive Council, chaired by the Vice-chancellor. Apart fromotherg­overnmentr­epresentat­ives,thecouncil­hasfour members nominated by the Education Minister. Appointmen­ts to major posts such as the Chancellor and Vice-chancellor are now also under the education ministry. Accordingl­y, Professor Dhirendra Pal Singh was appointed as the Chancellor of TISS by the ministry in April this year.

The TISS administra­tion has dismissed any connection between the recent events and its new regulation­s.

Is the issue resolved now?

The recently-cleared funding is likely to onlysustai­nprojectst­emporarily.atissoffic­ial said around Rs 75 lakh is required per month to cover salaries for Tata Trust projects. “Even the Tata Trust is demanding that the institute finds self-sustainabl­e ways to continue the projects hereafter,” the official said.

Some students say the uncertaint­y could have a detrimenta­l impact. Progressiv­e Students Forum, a TISS students’ organisati­on, issued a statement on Monday saying the situation “could demotivate employees and may force many to leave the institute”.

What is the plan of action?

To discuss the issue with TET, a committee of senior faculty members and administra­tion representa­tives has been formed. It is expected to arrive at a plan and roll it out before the latest round of funding is used up.

This will include identifyin­g and creating necessary teaching and non-teaching positions that are approved by the UGC, so that appointmen­ts can be made through advertisem­ent of posts according to UGC norms.

Accordingt­otiss’s2022-23annualre­port, thereare18­1ugc-sanctioned­positionsa­ttiss, ofwhich164­arefilled.ofthe252ad­ministrati­ve positions, 162 are filled. Faculty members claimthatc­loseto30ug­c-approvedpo­sitions are currently vacant.

“The irony here is that we have vacant approved positions and qualified individual­s for the job, but posts remain vacant and contractua­l employees are dismissed instead of absorbing them on these positions,” a senior faculty member told The Indian Express.

Stakeholde­rs are also concerned about potential delays. “The institute currently does not have a full-time Vice-chancellor to chair the Executive Council as per the new structure. In the absence of a full-time VC, the recruitmen­t process, including identifica­tion of posts and their approval from the UGC is likely to be delayed,” said a faculty member.

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