The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Gen Upendra Dwivedi takes charge as 30th Army Chief

Stability in Jammu, LAC standoff and Agnipath scheme among priorities


GENERAL UPENDRA Dwivedi Sunday took charge as the 30th Chief of the Army Staff at a time India faces a range of security challenges, particular­ly a spike in terror attacks in the Jammu region and the standoff with China along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh.

Gen Dwivedi succeeds Gen Manoj Pande who retired Sunday after an illustriou­s four-decade career. The new chief brings with him around 40 years of operationa­l experience which includes several command and staff appointmen­ts across the Northern, Eastern, and Western theatres.

One of his likely priorities wouldbetor­estorestab­ilitytothe Jammuregio­n,whichhasse­enan increase in terror attacks on security forces and on civilians in the last few years. Gen Dwivedi has served as Northern Army Commander and has been involved in major deployment changes carried out in the region lastyearin­responseto­militantat­tacks in the Rajouri-poonch belt.

A government statement issuedsund­aysaidthet­oparmyoffi­cer, in his past appointmen­ts, had played a pivotal role in grey zone warfare in the context of national security. Grey zone warfare generallym­eansamiddl­e,unclear space that exists between direct conflictan­dpeaceinin­ternationa­l relations.anotherpri­orityistoe­nsure a stable LAC — from Ladakh to the Northeast — as India and China continue military and diplomatic­talkstores­torethesta­tus that existed as of April 2020 in eastern Ladakh.

Gen Dwivedi will also likely take a fresh look at the Agnipath recruitmen­t scheme with the military hierarchy already in the process of reviewing it following feedback from the three services. The Army is learnt to be seeking a higher percentage of Agniveer retention at the end of four years.

Continuing­themoderni­sation of the Army with infusion of latest technology, including indigenous­equipment,willlikely­beanother focus area for the Army Chief. A Defence Ministry statements­aid:“hisimpetus­wouldbe to augment infusion of critical technologi­esbylevera­gingthenat­ion’s vibrant, capable and productive technology ecosystem.”

 ?? PTI ?? General Upendra Dwivedi after taking over as the 30th Chief of the Army Staff on Sunday.
PTI General Upendra Dwivedi after taking over as the 30th Chief of the Army Staff on Sunday.

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