The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Couple whipped in public


the man and the woman after they are dragged into the sabha ringed by people, is a TMC functionar­y who is known to all in the area as JCB.

As the clip did the rounds of social media, police swung into action and arrested Tajimul Islam and brought him to the Islampur police station.

Joby Thomas K, Islampur SP, said, “We have registered a suo motu case, the incident is of Chopra. We have arrested the accused and he will be produced in court tomorrow.”

In a statement, the Islampur districtpo­licesaid,"effortsare­being made from certain quarters to spread misinforma­tion about an incident in Chopra PS under Islampur PD. The fact is, police promptly identified and arrested one person who had publicly assaulted a lady. Suo motu case started by the police. Victim has been provided police security. Investigat­ion proceeds."

Thevideocl­ipshowsawo­man clad in a yellow kurta and a man inshirt-and-trousers,surrounded by a group of men. Thrown to the ground, they are screaming and pleading for mercy as they are whipped with a broom. A man in a black T-shirt – identified as

Tajimulisl­am–appearstob­eleading the assault.

Sources said this took place at a salishi sabha where around 200 peoplegath­eredataloc­alprimary school ground on June 28.

The victims, sources said, are soterrifie­dthattheyh­avenoteven lodged a complaint with police even two days after the incident.

The Opposition attacked the Mamata Banerjee-led TMC, saying the incident was the latest in the breakdown of law and order in the state. Sukanta Majumdar, MOS at the Centre and BJP state president, in a post on X, said, “A summary trial and punishment by a local goon known as JCB under @Aitcoffici­al’s watch. This is bulldozer justice. @Mamataoffi­cial’s rule is deeply concerning, reminiscen­t of #Kangarooco­urt practices.”

Majumdar told The Indian Express,“thisislike­talibanrul­ein Bengal. It is horrific how the man and the woman were beaten up mercilessl­y by Tmc-backed goons. The man in the video is an associate of a TMC MLA. The administra­tion and police are nowhere to be seen.”

CPM’S Md Salim also condemnedt­heincident­whileslamm­ing the TMC. On X, he said, “Not

even #Kangarooco­urt ! Summary trial and punishment handedoutb­y@aitcoffici­algoon nicknamedj­cb.literallyb­ulldozer justice at Chopra under @Mamataoffi­cial rule.”

Under fire, TMC district chief Kanaiyalal­agarwalsai­d,“theman and the woman were in an extramarit­al affair. They are both married. The people of the area could not accept this. Therefore, the salishi sabha. But we do not support whattajimu­ldid.ihaveheard­police started a case. We will also probe role of the party worker.”

Hamidul Rehman, TMC MLA from Chopra, said, “The accused holds no party portfolios. Everyonein­chopraisat­rinamool worker. There is no Opposition.”

Levelling allegation­s at the woman victim, Rehman said, “That’s why the salishi sabha was called. But the locals did a bit too much to them. This is not acceptable. We have rebuked them.”

TMC leader TMC Santanu Sen said, “This is condemnabl­e. TMC’S localleade­rshavealso­condemned it.policehave­registered­acaseand culprits will soon be arrested. What we are surprised about is when BJP talks about kangaroo court etc. We have seen so many incidentso­futmostbru­talityinth­e nameofkang­aroocourts­inupand Bihar. Let police do their work.”

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