The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Kharge enters RS Well, Dhankhar says ‘stain on House, 1st such act by an LOP’

Jairam counters Dhankhar; BJD joins Opposition protest, walkout


LEADER OF Opposition (LOP) Mallikarju­n Kharge Friday entered the Well of Rajya Sabha during a protest on paper leaks, drawing strong censure from Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar who said this was the first time a member occupying the post had done such an act. Dhankhar called it a “stain” on Parliament.

Kharge told news agency ANI that he was trying to get the attention of the Chairperso­n, who was looking towards the Treasury benches.

Congress leader Jairam Ramesh, meanwhile, countered Dhankhar’s assertion, saying former party leader Ghulam Nabi Azad had done the same in 2019 over the Bills to abrogate Article 370. He said in a post on social

media site X: “It is being widely publicized that Mallikarju­n Kharge is the first opposition leader in Rajya Sabha who came to the well in protest.... On 5 August 2019, Ghulam Nabi Azad, then leader of opposition in Rajya Sabha, was sitting on the steps leading to the chairman’s podium, which is part of the Well, when bills were being introduced to abrogate Article 370 and downgrade Jammu and Kashmir from a full-fledged state to a Union Territory.”

Dhankhar’s comments in the House came amid protests by Opposition members who were seeking a discussion on alleged irregulari­ties in the NEET-UG. Members of the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) were also a part of this protest.

The Rajya Sabha Chairman said: “Honourable Members, today has become so tainted in the history of the Indian Parliament that the Leader of the Opposition himself has come to the well. This has never happened before… I am pained, I am shocked. The Indian parliament­ary tradition will deteriorat­e to such an extent that the Leader of the Opposition will come to the well, the Deputy Leader will come to the well.”

After an adjournmen­t in the afternoon following the remarks, Kharge told ANI inthe Parliament complex: “It is his fault. I can say that I was raising my hand. For 10 minutes, I stood with my hand up. As per Parliament­ary rules, while sitting also, I observed Parliament­ary rules. But he didn’t see me. Then, to get his attention, I went in, but he still didn’t see. When the members came in, I stepped out. I was not standing there. I was trying to get his attention. But he didn’t see me and was looking at the ruling party, meaning he insulted me… What was I left with? To get his attention, I either have to go in or I would have to shout loudly from my place.”

When the House reconvened, Dhankar raised the issue of Kharge speaking to ANI.

“But what is more painful? What is hurtful for me, that he has outside misreporte­d, misreprese­nted and has spoken untruth. I don't want to use a stronger word about what happened. He is in denial mode,” said Dhankar. “And his statement, which has been put on Twitter of ANI, is self-contradict­ory. At one point of time he says, he did not get into the well. At the other time he says, we had to walk into there. Now the second part is far more serious. What I have seen, that this institutio­n was tarnished, tainted and demeaned. It was the worst sacrilege that could be committed for this temple of democracy.”

Meanwhile, Congress member from Chhattisga­rh, Phulo Devi Netam, fainted in Rajya Sabha while the Opposition leaders were seeking a discussion on the alleged irregulari­ties in the NEET-UG examinatio­n.

A member in the House said that her blood pressure had shot up to 214/140. She was admitted to the Ram Manohar Lohia hospital. Dhankar informed the House that she was fine.

Opposition members said that continuing the House in such a situation was against humanity and walked out. Dhankar replied saying his office was doing everything possible “Everything is being taken care of,” he said. As the Opposition walked out, they were joined by members of the BJD.

 ?? ?? Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar and Leader of the Opposition Mallikarju­n Kharge in Rajya Sabha on Friday.
Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar and Leader of the Opposition Mallikarju­n Kharge in Rajya Sabha on Friday.

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