The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

TN resolution urges Centre to scrap NEET


UNANIMOUSL­Y PASSING a resolution against the National Eligibilit­y cum Entrance Test (NEET) on Friday, the Tamil Nadu Assembly urged the central government to scrap the test on a nationalle­velandappr­ovethestat­e’s NEET exemption Bill.

The developmen­t comes at a time when alleged irregulari­ties over this year’s NEET medical entrance test has kicked up a massive political storm. The resolution, proposed by Chief Minister MK Stalin, once again reiterates thestate’slongstand­ingobjecti­on to the exam.

Friday’s resolution called for the abolition of the NEET examinatio­nsystem,whichitdes­cribed as “severely affecting the medical education opportunit­ies of rural andunderpr­ivilegedst­udentsand making school education unnecessar­y”. “The Union Government should immediatel­y approve the NEET exemption draft bill unanimousl­y passed by this Legislativ­e Assembly to admit medical studentsba­sedon12th-grademarks. Given that several states are now opposing this examinatio­n system which has led to numerous malpractic­es, the Union Government should amend the Nationalme­dicalcommi­ssionact to abolish the NEET system at the nationalle­vel,”theresolut­ionsaid.

The NEET exemption Bill, formally called the Tamil Nadu Admission to Undergradu­ate Medicaldeg­reecourses­bill,2021, proposes making Class 12 marks the criteria for medical school admissions. A major flashpoint between the DMK government and the office of the Tamil Nadu Governor, it is currently pending approval from the President of India.inhisspeec­h,stalinsaid­that thewidespr­eadirregul­aritiesvin­dicated Tamil Nadu’s opposition to the medical entrance exam. According to him, introducti­on of NEET in 2017 had drasticall­y alteredthe­landscapeo­fmedicaled­ucation in the state. “…Rural and underprivi­leged students who cannotatte­ndcoaching­classesare unable to succeed in this exam," he said, adding that the national entranceex­amwouldmak­eitdifficu­lt for students in rural areas to pursue a medical education.

 ?? ?? Resolution was moved by CM Stalin
Resolution was moved by CM Stalin

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