The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)




RITES celebrated the 10th Internatio­nal Day of Yoga focusing on the theme ‘Yoga for Self & Society’. A yoga session for the employees, demonstrat­ing Common Yoga Protocol asanas by Bhar tiya Yog Sansthan, was organized to emphasize its extensive benefits for everyday living. Yoga enthusiast­s performed asanas during the session at Shikhar, RITES Corporate Office in Gurugram.


IREDA conducted its 37th AGM through video conferenci­ng at its Corporate Office in New Delhi. The meeting was chaired by Pradip Kumar Das, CMD, IREDA, & attended by all the Directors and many shareholde­rs. In his address, Das highlighte­d the significan­ce of this AGM as the first one held after IREDA’S successful IPO in November 2023.


POWERGRID signed two Mous for the constructi­on of a 250-bedded Powergrid Vishram Sadan at AIIMS Bilaspur under CSR. The first MOU was signed between POWERGRID & AIIMS, Bilaspur, whereas the second one was signed between POWERGRID & HSCC. The Mous were signed by Vinod P. Baxla, GM (HR) on behalf of Powergrid, Lt. Col M. Hariharan, Deputy Dir. (Administra­tion), on behalf of AIIMS, Bilaspur, & PK Bhatia, CGM on behalf of HSCC.


The 27th INTER-CPSU Carrom Tournament hosted by THDCIL under the esteemed banner of the Power Sports Control Board, M/o Power, culminated successful­ly in Uttarakhan­d’s Tehri. This prestigiou­s five-day event aimed at promoting sportsmans­hip and fostering healthy competitio­n among participan­ts witnessed enthusiast­ic participat­ion from 12 teams representi­ng various PSUS of the Power Sector.


The National Book Trust, India celebrated National Reading Day recently across the country in remembranc­e of P.N. Panicker, the father of India’s library movement. On this occasion, creative reading activities were organized for children, teachers, trainers, & mentors at various locations including New Delhi, Dehradun, Patna, Lucknow, Bhopal, Varanasi, Mumbai, Guwahati, Agar tala, Cuttack, Chennai, Hyderabad, & Kochi.


M/o Commerce & Industry celebrated the 10th Int’l Day of Yoga at Bharat Mandapam in the graceful presence of Jitin Prasada, MOS for Commerce & Industry, Sunil Bar thwal Commerce Secy., RK Singh, Secy. DPIIT & PS Kharola, CMD ITPO, besides other Senior govt. officials alongwith a total of 400 employees of Ministry of Commerce & Industry, ITPO, CISF & private bodies also par ticipated in the yoga session.


The 117th Foundation Day of Punjab & Sind Bank was celebrated at the Zonal Office in Dehradun. On this occasion, Guru’s kirtan and recitation were done and water coolers and wheelchair­s were distribute­d by the Zonal Manager in various institutio­ns, schools, colleges and hospitals. Chhabil was also organized in Dehradun’s local branches.


Nikhil Mohan, MD & CEO of NAINITAL BANK has received an award from PFRDA on behalf of the bank for an exemplary performanc­e in enrolment under ATAL PENSION YOJNA campaign by achieving 114% of the targets assigned for FY 23- 24. It is a great achievemen­t for the entire team of Nainital Bank under the leadership of Nikhil Mohan, MD & CEO & a milestone for bank to achieve much better results in the coming days.


During his visit to ‘the Cottage’ in Janpath, S. Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister, praised the delightful array of artisanal products. Manoj Lal, MD of The Central Cottage Industries Corporatio­n of India Ltd., showcased the impressive offerings. Lal informed, “The Cottage’ has also introduced new models of sale cum live demonstrat­ions by artisans themselves in their Emporia network across the country, ensuring that India’s rich heritage reaches a global audience.”


A 5 day training on Meliponicu­lture (Stingless bees) was inaugurate­d at the Icar-national Bureau of Agricultur­al Insect Resources, Bengaluru. The event was attended by 20 ITBP personnel. Dr. SN Sushil, Director, ICAR-NBAIR Bengaluru, chaired the inaugural program, & emphasized the significan­ce of pollinator­s in agricultur­e, particular­ly meliponicu­lture for producing high-value medicinal honey. During the event, a training manual on "Meliponicu­lture" was released to benefit the par ticipants. Ramesh Chand, Team Lead from ITBP, lauded the expected benefits from the training.


POWERGRID’S Team Corporate Communicat­ions has been featured in

India’s 30 Top Corporate Communicat­ions Teams for the four th time by

Reputation Today. The team led by Anshuman Tandon, CGM Corporate

Communicat­ions, Powergrid, along with Ravi Kumar, DGM (Corp.

Comm.) & Akshat Chopra, Asst. Manager (Corp. Comm.) received the award at an event in Bengaluru. Powergrid is the only PSU to feature in this list, wherein it jumped five places from its previous ranking. To arrive at the list of Top Corporate Communicat­ion Teams, a jury independen­tly evaluated the Top 30 teams scoring each one of them on set parameters.


Railtel won the ET Government PSU Leadership & Excellence Awards 2024 in Leadership in Digital Transforma­tion category. Dr. Jitendra Singh, MOS (IC) Science & Technology; Earth Sciences; MOS PMO, PP/DOPT, Atomic Energy, Space, presented the award in a gala ceremony of 5 th ET Govt National PSU Summit 2024. This prestigiou­s award was conferred by Economic Times PSU recognizin­g outstandin­g achievemen­ts of PSUS across a large spectrum. Railtel received this award for successful­ly implementi­ng the Hospital Management Informatio­n System for Indian Railways. Railtel has also developed teleconsul­tation and beneficiar­y apps that are seamlessly integrated with HMIS.


The 117th Foundation Day of Punjab & Sind Bank was organized in Zone Delhi-ii, Naraina. PSB is one of the country’s 12 nationaliz­ed banks & has been providing its banking services in India for 117 years. Water coolers were distribute­d in schools and hospitals alongside wheelchair­s in NGOS and sticks for the blind. On the occasion, 117 saplings were specially planted by the bank under the Vriksharop­an Program. Additional­ly, langar and chhabeel were organized in Zone Delhi-ii, Naraina Vihar & various branches. The successful management of the said program was led by the Zonal Manager & team of Zonal Office Delhi-2.


NBCC inked an MOU with Grid-india (Grid Controller of India Ltd.) for the execution of interior, fit-outs and other associated infrastruc­ture works for its new Corporate Office at Ayurvigyan Nagar in New Delhi. The tentative value of works to be executed under this MOU is approximat­ely Rs. 70.00 Cr. The MOU was signed by Alok Kumar, Sr. GM, Grid-india & Mudit Bhatnagar, CGM (Engg.), NBCC in the presence of SR Narasimhan, CMD, Grid-india, KP Mahadevasw­amy, CMD, NBCC, Smt. BK Sokhey, Dir. (Fin.), NBCC, Saleem Ahmad, Dir. (Proj.), NBCC & other senior-level officials from both organizati­ons. Earlier, Grid-india, responsibl­e for “National Load Dispatch”, had purchased this new office from NBCC with around 61,000 sqft, at approximat­ely Rs. 270 Crs & entrusted NBCC to furnish it.


Railtel joined the Internatio­nal Day of Yoga celebratio­n recently. Sanjai Kumar, CMD, Dr. Chandraman­i

Sharma, CVO, V. Rama Manohara Rao, Director/finance, Manoj Tandon Director/pom, Yashpal Singh Tomar, Director/ NPM, officers & staff of Railtel par ticipated in a Yoga session organized at the Corporate Office to mark the occasion. The Yoga session was led by Devandra Gupta, Zonal President of the Bhartiya Yoga Sansthan in Delhi. In addition to the Corporate Office event, all regional and territory offices of Railtel celebrated Internatio­nal Yoga Day at their respective locations.


The All India UCO Bank Divyangian Employees Welfare Associatio­n conducted Disability Awareness & Sensitizat­ion Program recently for Divyangian Employees of UCO Bank. Representa­tives from various states par ticipated in this workshop, reflecting on the wide-reaching impact and impor tance of this initiative.


PSB announced a series of innovative new offerings to mark its 117th Foundation Day under the theme of “Igniting Growth, Innovation & Excellence”. The initiative­s included brand new products & services, new digital offerings within the PSB UNIC app, new partnershi­ps, & CSR activities. The Foundation Day celebratio­n star ted by opening of ATM mobile van & inaugurati­on of Model branch at Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi. The event was spearheade­d by Swarup Kumar Saha, MD&CEO of Punjab & Sind Bank, at the Bank's corporate office in New Delhi, and was graced by CVO, GMS & Senior officials.


The 83rd meeting of Board of Management held recently. In the meeting, Board approved the setting up of Indraprast­ha Centre for Strategy & Policy Research. According to Prof M Verma, VC of the University, the ICSPR will function from the office of University School of Management Studies & a senior Professor of the School will lead the centre. The Board of Management approved for star ting 3 courses; Solar Photovolta­ic Entreprene­ur, Emergency Medical Technician-basic and Graphic Design of the duration of approximat­ely 3 months.


Indian Yoga Associatio­n organised the 3rd National State Chapters Conclave, Manthan – Strengthen­ing IYA Globally on June 18, 2024. The event was held at Anuvrat Bhawan, New Delhi. Manthan was graced with the divine presence of several esteemed personalit­ies including Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Chairman, IYA (ONLINE), Maa Dr Hansaji Yogendra, President, IYA (ONLINE), Guru Dr HR Nagendra, Member, Governing Council, IYA, Swami Chidananda Saraswati, Member, Governing Council, IYA (ONLINE), Yugpradhan Acharya Shri Mahashrama­nji ki Vidushi Shishya Dr Sadhvi Shree Kundan Rekha. And from the Executive Council, Subodh Tiwari, Secretary General, IYA & other distinguis­hed memberss. The Conclave saw a footfall of over 250 members of the IYA, including representa­tives from the 26 State Chapter Committees. The event provided an excellent oppor tunity for members to exchange insights, foster collaborat­ion, & reinforce the vital role of State Chapter Committees in achieving IYA’S mission and vision.

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