The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Spectrum auction fetches over `11,340 cr; Bharti Airtel top buyer


New Delhi: Bharti Airtel on Wednesday emerged as the biggest bidder for radio waves used to transmit mobile phone voice and data signals, cornering about 60 per cent of the Rs 11,341 crore worth of spectrum sold in an auction that ended within two days. Bharti Airtel bought 97 MHZ of radio frequency for mobile services for Rs 6,856.76 crore.

An official statement said, in all 141.4 MHZ of radio waves were sold for Rs 11,340.78 crore. A total of 10 GHZ of spectrum ranging b et ween800m hz to26ghzw as offered, which was worth Rs 96,238 crore at the base or auction start price. However, only a small amount of the spectrum on offer got sold in seven rounds of auction.

Vodafone-idea buys 30 MHZ of spectrum

Vodafone Idea, the struggling telecom operator that recently got a fresh lease of life through India’s biggest follow on share sale, bought 30 Mhz of spectrum for Rs 3,510.4 crore.

“Spectrum auction 2024 was part of a continuous allocation process that is transparen­t, robust and progressiv­e. Telecom service providers (TSPS) have taken spectrum not only for continuity of service but for expanding their services but the volume is limited because already a large part of the spectrum required was auctioned only last year,” Communicat­ions Minister Jyotiradit­ya Scindia said.

Jio buys spectrum in 2 circles for Rs 973.63 cr

Mumbai: Reliance Jio Infocomm acquired additional spectrum in the 1800 MHZ band in Bihar and West Bengal circles at a cost of Rs 973.63 crore in the auction.

“Jio’s spectrum footprint has increased to 26,801 MHZ (uplink and downlink), solidifyin­g its leadership position ...” it said.

Akash M Ambani, chairman, Reliance Jio Infocomm, said, “this new spectrum acquisitio­n will continue to enable us serving aspiration­s of the new India, in terms of growing traffic demands and superior customer experience, which is no longer limited to only urban markets.”

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