The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Amazon admits lapse, tells govt action taken against staff


DAYS AFTER the Ministry of Labour and Employment sought a response from Amazon India, citing a media report on alleged workplace practices at its warehouse in Manesar, the e-commerce platform admitted that an employee had asked a group of workers to take a pledge.

On June 14, The Indian Express reported that on May 16, a group of employees was made to take an oath that they would not take toilet and water breaks until their target was met. The National Human Rights Commission had quoted the Express report and asked for a report from the labour Ministry. On June 21, the ministry wrote to Amazon, seeking a response to the alleged incident.

“Our investigat­ion revealed that on May 16, 2024, around 16:30 hours, after both the breaks for the day had been taken, one of the employees at the building did lead a small subset of employees and associates at the Subject FC (Fulfillmen­t Centre) in a pledge. The employee thought of the pledge as a motivation­al exercise. This was an unfortunat­e and isolatedin­cident and a clear violation of our workplace standards. Prompt disciplina­ry action has been taken against this employee. The investigat­ion also determined that such a pledge was not forced to be taken by the employees or associates, and neither were the contents of this pledge enforced at Subject FC on the day of this incident, or any other day, and the employees continued to take breaks,” the response stated.

It further said the company takes the lessons learnt from this disappoint­ing incident seriously “and will double down on efforts to re-train our manager son workplace health, safety and well-being ”.

An Amazon India spokespers­on said that they found an“isolated incident of poor judge ment” by an individual that was totally unacceptab­le and against the policies, and took disciplina­ry action.

In the 11-page response, signed by Country Manager Manish Tiwari, the company said the provision of rest room facilities as mentioned under rule 41 of the Haryana Contract Labour (Abolition and regulation­s) rules, 1975) does not apply to the FC “as no associate is required to halt for the day or night in excess of the duration of their respective shifts ”.

On seating arrangemen­t, the response said seating is provided in cafeterias. “We appreciate your suggestion of providing additional seating space and are evaluating arranging for additional seating arrangemen­ts through satellite cafeteria sat thefc for the convenienc­e of the employees ,” it said.

The regional labour commission­erand labour enforcemen­t officer had visited the facility for an inspection on june 20, after which the letter was sent.

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