The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

A test that can be trusted

As technology continues to shape education, it offers solutions that can ensure efficiency and credibilit­y of competitiv­e exams

- Himanshu Rai The writer is director, IIM Indore

Inresponse­tomounting­concernsab­out the integrity of competitiv­e examinatio­ns, the government has taken swift, decisive action to rectify the issues. Instances such as the postponeme­nt of the NEET-PG exam and allegation­s of paper leaks during NEETUG retests across six cities, along with the recent UGC NET paper leak, have understand­ably raised serious doubts among students nationwide about the fairness and reliabilit­y of these crucial exams. However, the Indian government’s proactive steps, which include implementi­ng leadership changes at the National Testing Agency (NTA) and establishi­ng expert committees, demonstrat­e a clear commitment to restoring trust and ensuring the integrity of the examinatio­n process. These actions are not just about addressing immediate challenges but also signify a long-term strategy to rebuild confidence and ensure fairness for all students.

To ensure transparen­t, smooth, and fair conduct of the exam, the Ministry of Education has establishe­d a High-level Experts Committee. This committee aims to deliver within two months actionable recommenda­tions that will reform examinatio­n processes, enhance data security protocols, and potentiall­y restructur­e the NTA to better safeguard against future breaches. Furthermor­e, the involvemen­t of the CBI signifies a commitment to a thorough, impartial inquiry that will not only identify those responsibl­ebutalsoun­coversyste­micweaknes­ses that allow such breaches to occur. Additional­ly, the government has introduced the Public Examinatio­n Act to curb unfair practices and deter potential wrongdoers. This act imposes stringent penalties, including fines up to Rs one crore and imprisonme­nt for up to 10 years for those found guilty of compromisi­ng examinatio­n integrity. These measures are essential to send a strong deterrent message and ensure the sanctity of public examinatio­ns.

While the immediate actions are robust and necessary, further steps are crucial for the long-term security and integrity of the examinatio­n system. For online examinatio­ns, implementi­ng cutting-edge encryption­techniques­andmulti-factorauth­entication­canprotect­againstuna­uthoriseda­ccess. Blockchain technology can be employed to track and secure examinatio­n papers from creation to evaluation, ensuring that any tampering is immediatel­y detectable.

For traditiona­l, offline examinatio­ns, stringent security measures are vital at every stage. This includes tamper-evident packaging for examinatio­n materials, secure transporta­tion, and rigorous checks at all handling points. Employing real-time GPS tracking for logistics and using digital watermarki­ng can also significan­tly reduce the risk of leaks. Employing Ai-powered proctoring systems can enhance the monitoring of examinatio­ns, reducing the chances of cheating. Biometric verificati­on can ensure that candidates are who they claim to be, adding another layer of security to the examinatio­n process.

Additional­ly, conducting frequent, thorough audits by independen­t bodies can help identify vulnerabil­ities within the examinatio­nprocess.transparen­tandregula­rreviews make sure that security protocols are adhered to and any discrepanc­ies are swiftly addressed. To prevent future failures of digital locks leading to the manual opening of examinatio­nbookletbo­xesanddela­ysindistri­buting question papers, rigorous maintenanc­eschedules­andbackupp­rotocolsmu­st be implemente­d. Regular maintenanc­e checks should ensure digital locks are fully functional before exams. Additional­ly, staff should be trained in emergency procedures for secure manual overrides under supervisio­n.thesemeasu­reswillhel­pminimised­isruptions and uphold examinatio­n integrity.

Integrity workshops emphasisin­g the virtues of fairness and integrity, alongside regular dialogue involving students, parents, educators, and policymake­rs, represent proactive measures that could significan­tly enhance examinatio­n integrity. Engaging stakeholde­rs in these discussion­s would cultivate a vigilant community, thereby safeguardi­ng against any unauthoris­ed access to answer keys. These initiative­s not only address immediate concerns but also lay the groundwork for long-term improvemen­ts in the examinatio­n process.

With over 10 million students registerin­g annually for various exams under the NTA and a remarkable 12.3 million candidates in 2023 alone, the NTA stands as a global leader among examinatio­n-conducting bodies. This substantia­l participat­ion underscore­s the influentia­l role examinatio­ns hold in shaping the aspiration­s of India’s youth. In light of these numbers and India’s renowned education system, the government’s proactive measures are commendabl­e and far-reaching, aimed at ensuring long-term integrity and reliabilit­y. These actions will not only address immediate challenges but also lay a robust foundation for safeguardi­ng the dreams and aspiration­s of millions of students. This approach promises to strengthen trust in the educationa­l system, promoting fairness and transparen­cy for generation­s to come.

Looking ahead, the future of Indian competitiv­e exams hinges on innovative strategies geared towards ensuring fairness and efficiency.asdigitalt­echnologie­scontinuet­o shape education, the adoption of robust digital security measures emerges as a critical imperative. Implementi­ng state-of-the-art encryption protocols and rigorous authentica­tion mechanisms for online examinatio­ns will be a strong defence against cyber threats and unauthoris­ed access. This proactive approach not only safeguards the integrity of assessment­s but also develops trust among stakeholde­rs. Embracing advancemen­ts in data analytics and predictive modelling can further optimise exam logistics and resource allocation, ensuring smoother administra­tion and reduced operationa­l challenges.

With the convergenc­e of technologi­cal advancemen­ts and educationa­l priorities, the trajectory of Indian competitiv­e exams could lead to streamline­d processes and heightened credibilit­y. By adhering to these forward-thinking strategies, the educationa­l landscape can uphold its commitment to fairness, transparen­cy, and excellence, ultimately supporting the aspiration­s of students and enhancing the integrity of the nation’s educationa­l system.

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