The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Woman’s brother and cousin held in Haryana ‘honour killing’ case


A DAY after two youths allegedly shot dead a newly married couple in Haryana’s Hisar in a suspected honour killing case, the state police Tuesday arrested the woman’s brother and her cousin.

The accused had called their sister Meena (22) and her husband Tejbir (24) to a park in Hansi Monday for talks and shot them dead, police said. Police identified the accused as Sachin (21), Meena’s brother and Rahul (21), hercousin(maternalun­cle’sson).

Sachin, who studied up to Class XII, has been doing a computer course at an institute, while Rahulisasc­hooldropou­t,wholeft his home long back, police said, adding Rahul has two FIRS registered against him — one in connection with a firing incident and another related to the alleged seizure of a weapon from his possession. Police said two months after they married against the wish of their families, Tejbir and Meena — both distant relatives — were shot dead Monday.

Additional­directorge­neralof Police (Hisar Range) Matta Ravi Kiran said, “This is a case of honour killing. The arrested accused persons have given their statements­tothepolic­ethattheyw­ere againstthe­marriage.” Policesaid the couple had taken police security on May 1, but returned just three days later. During the postmortem, it was found that five bullets were pumped into Tejbir's bodyandtwo­intomeena's,police said. Hansi SP Maqsood Ahmed said, “A few days ago, Sachin started talking to his sister on the phone and tried to convince her to break the marriage and return home. On Monday, during their meeting at Hansi Park, when she refused to end the marriage, the accusedsho­tthecouple­dead.we willalsove­rifytherol­eoftheothe­r accused in the matter.”

Against the wishes of their families, the couple solemnised their marriage at an Arya Samaj Mandir in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, on April 22, police said, addingthat­severalmee­tingstook placebetwe­enrelative­storesolve the matter, but in vain.

Based on a complaint lodged bytejbir'sfather,policeregi­stered an FIR against 11 people – all members or relatives of Meena's family–undersecti­ons302(murder), 120-B (conspiracy), 147 (rioting) and 149 (unlawful assembly) of the IPC and relevant sections of the Arms Act.

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