The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Hindujas ‘appalled’ by Swiss court’s sentencing, file appeal


BRITAIN'S WEALTHIEST family, the Hindujas, have said they are “appalled” by a Swiss court's ruling of jail terms for some members and have filed an appeal in a higher court challengin­g the verdict finding them guilty of exploiting vulnerable domestic workers from India employed at their villa in Geneva.

A spokespers­on for the affected family members, Kamal and Prakash Hinduja and their son Ajay and his wife Namrata – who are all Swiss nationals, pointed out on Saturday that neither of them have been subjected to any “imprisonme­nt, conviction, sentence or detention.”

“Per swiss law procedures, the lower court’s judgement is rendered ineffectiv­e and inoperativ­e as the presumptio­n of innocence is paramount until and unless a final judgment by the highest adjudicati­ng authority is enforced ,” the family's spokespers­on said.

“It may be noted that the case has no complainan­ts left anymore and they had declared in the court that they were led into signing statements that they didn’t even understand... All of them further testified that the four Hinduja Family Members treated them with ‘respect, dignity and like family’,” the spokespers­on added.

Earlier on Friday, in a statement issued on behalf of the family by their lawyers from Switzerlan­d stressed their clients had been acquitted of all human traffickin­g charges.

“We are appalled and disappoint­ed by the rest of the decision made in this court of first instance, and we have, of course, filed an appeal to the higher court, thereby making this part of the judge ment not effective ,” reads the statement signed by Yael Hayat and Robert Assael and Roman Jordan.

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