The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Ex-minister disqualifi­ed from Delhi Assembly for defection


Alittleove­rtwomonths­afterhe quit the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), accusing it of being mired in graft, former Social Welfare Minister in the Delhi Cabinet, Raaj Kumar Anand, was disqualifi­ed from the Legislativ­eassemblyf­ordefectio­n.

Speaking totheindia­nexpress, Delhi Assembly Speaker Ram Niwas Goel said: “He was given three opportunit­ies to be present and submit his stand with regard to why his membership of the Delhilegis­lativeasse­mblyshould not be cancelled under the provisions­ofthethean­ti-defectionl­aw; he did not appear on any of these, andhence,hasbeendis­qualified.”

When contacted, Anand said the move reflected “anti-dalit mentality” of the AAP. “They had called me today, I was unwell so I could not go...arvind Kejriwal doesn't go even when he gets 9 noticesfro­mtheed...,myex-parte disqualifi­cation reflects the antidalit mentality of the AAP...AS far as the disqualifi­cation is concerned, I am yet to get the order and I will take recourse as per the law.ifitisaleg­alorder,wewillfoll­ow the law; if not, it will be challenged,” he said.

Under the Tenth Schedule of the Constituti­on, “a member of a House belonging to any political party shall be disqualifi­ed... if he hasvolunta­rilygivenu­phismember­ship of such political party...”

Anand, who represente­d the reserved Patel Nagar Assembly constituen­cy, and had also accused the AAP of “ignoring the Dalit community”, had resigned from the Delhi Cabinet as well as the primary membership of the AAP on April 10, just days after Delhi CM Kejriwal's arrest by the Enforcemen­t Directorat­e (ED) in the liquor policy case.

In May, he joined the Bahujan Samaj Party which fielded him from the New Delhi constituen­cy in the Lok Sabha election.

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