The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

PM may meet Meloni, Scholz, Sunak, Macron on G7 sidelines

Also on cards, Biden-modi meeting


PRIME MINISTER Narendra Modi will likely meet Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in separate bilateral meetings on Friday.

These meetings will take place on the sidelines of G7 outreach summit in Italy. Modi left for Apulia region in Italy to participat­e in the G7 Outreach Summit on 14 June.

In his departure statement, he said: “I am glad that my first visit in the third consecutiv­e term is to Italy for the G-7 Summit.”

“I warmly recall my visit to Italy for the G20 Summit in 2021. Prime Minister Meloni's two visits to India last year were instrument­al in infusing momentum and depth in our bilateral agenda. We remain committed to consolidat­e the India-italy strategic partnershi­p, and bolster cooperatio­n in the Indopacifi­c and the Mediterran­ean regions,” he said.

“During the discussion­s at the Outreach session, the focus would be on artificial intelligen­ce, energy, Africa, and the Mediterran­ean. It will be an opportunit­y to bring greater synergy between the outcomes of the G20 Summit held under India’s Presidency and the forthcomin­g G7 Summit, and deliberate on issues which are crucial for the Global South,” the Prime Minister said.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said US President Joe Biden and PM Modi are expected to meet each other during the summit.

“He (Biden) expects to see Prime Minister Modi here. It's up to the Indians to formally confirm his attendance, but our expectatio­n is that the two of them will have the opportunit­y to encounter one another. What the nature of that encounter is still fluid because so much of the schedule is fluid,” said Sullivan.

The agenda of the summit is likely to be dominated by the Russia-ukraine war and the situation in Gaza. There is an expectatio­n that there will be a proposal for increasing the funding for Ukraine, to be funded by seized Russian assets.

 ?? ?? (Clockwise from top left) Italian PM Giorgia Meloni, French President Emmanuel Macron, British PM Rishi Sunak and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz
(Clockwise from top left) Italian PM Giorgia Meloni, French President Emmanuel Macron, British PM Rishi Sunak and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz
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