The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Israel forces advance deeper into Rafah as diplomacy falters


ISRAELI TANKS advanced deeper into the western area of Rafah, amid one of the worst nights of bombardmen­t from air, ground, and sea, forcing many families to flee their homes and tents under darkness, residents said thursday.

Residents said the israeli forces thrust towards the Al-mawasi area of Rafah near the beach, which is designated as a humanitari­an area in all announceme­nts and maps published by the Israeli army since it began its Rafah offensive in May.

The Israeli military denied in a statement it had launched any strikes inside the Al-mawasi humanitari­an zone.

Israel said its assault aimed to wipe out Hamas' last intact combatunit­s in raf ah, a city which had sheltered more than a million people before the latest advance began. Most of those people have now moved north towards Khan Younis and Deir Al-balah in central Gaza Strip.

The Israeli military said in a statement it was continuing "intelligen­ce-based, targeted operations" on Rafah.

Over the past day, the military said it had struck 45 targets across the gaza strip from the air, including military structures, militant cells, rocket launchers and tunnel shafts.

Israel has ruled out peace until ham as is eradicated, and much of Gaza lies in ruins. But Hamas has proven resilient, with militants resurfacin­g to fight in areas where Israeli forces had previously declared to have defeated them and pulled back.

The group welcomed a new U.S. ceasefire proposal but made some amendments, reaffirmin­g its stance that any agreement must secure an end to the war, a demand Israel still rejects.

Israel described Hamas's response to the new US peace proposal as total rejection. But the efforts to secure an agreement are still continuing, according to mediators Qatar and Egypt, backed by the United States.

Since a brief week-long truce in November, repeated attempts to arrange a ceasefire have failed, with ham as insisting on a permanent end to the war and full israeli withdrawal from Gaza.

End war: Spain, Turkey

Spain and Turkey called on the internatio­nal community on Thursday to stop “looking the other way” and press for the end of Israel's attack on Gaza, following a bilateral summit.

 ?? Reuters ?? Girls walk carrying a container as Palestinia­ns flee Rafah due to an Israeli military operation on Thursday.
Reuters Girls walk carrying a container as Palestinia­ns flee Rafah due to an Israeli military operation on Thursday.

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