The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

India meeting climate targets, Mission Life work to go on: Yadav


MAINTAININ­G THAT India has a big role to play in climate action and environmen­t protection, Environmen­t Minister Bhupender Yadav said Tuesday that the country was among those few that had achieved the qualitativ­e and quantitati­ve targets submitted during the 2015 Paris climate summit.

Yadav was speaking after taking charge as Union Minister for Environmen­t, Forest and Climate Change, a portfolio he has held since 2021. Minister of State Kirti Vardhan Singh also took charge Tuesday.

After completing the joining formalitie­s, Yadav held a brief meeting with the senior-most secretarie­s of the Ministry.

“India is one of those countries that have achieved their quantitati­ve and qualitativ­e targets submitted as part of our nationally determined contributi­ons during the Paris climate talks in 2015, whether it is renewable energy targets or carbon emission targets,” said Yadav.

Thanking Prime Minister Na rend ra mo di for entrusting him with the responsibi­lity of the Environmen­t ministry, ya dav said he will strive tofulfilh is duties with transparen­cy and impartiali­ty.

Recounting the major initiative­sand projects his ministry under took in the last Government, Yadav said there will be continuity on these initiative­s in the new term. “PM Modi launched during Mission LIFE during the Glasgow climate summit to propagate an environmen­t friendly lifestyle and tackle the global climate crisis. This mission promotes sustainabl­e developmen­t through mindful consumptio­n rather than mindless utilisatio­n,” he said.

 ?? ANI ?? Union Minister Bhupender Yadav at Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, on Tuesday.
ANI Union Minister Bhupender Yadav at Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, on Tuesday.

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