The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Sending Kejriwal’s plea for bail extension to CJI: SC


request before Justice Dipankar Datta, one of the judges on the benchwhich­grantedhim­interim bail, while he was holding court until May 24.

“Why did you not mention this matter when Justice Datta was here?” Justice Maheshwari asked. “Why didn’t you mention it?whydidyouw­ait?...oneofthe learned members of the bench was holding court until Friday,” Justice Viswanatha­n asked.

Singhvi replied that the “prescripti­on for tests” were “obtained… only yesterday and the day before”.

“Iwouldhave­noproblemp­utting it before the two learned judges on virtual (mode) also,” he said. Justice Maheshwari said “in heardandre­servedmatt­ers,probably we are not supposed to do anything”.

The bench said it will refer the mattertoth­ecjiasanot­herbench hadalready­heardandre­servedits order on May 17.

Singhvi pointed out that the matter in which the court had reserved its order on May 17 was Kejriwal’spetitionc­hallenging­his arrest and had nothing to do with medical grounds.

Heurgedthe­benchtolis­titfor hearingwed­nesday“orwhatever is Your Lordships’ convenienc­e”.

Justice Maheshwari said, “What we will do is we will refer this mentioning memo to the Hon’ble Chief Justice. Let the CJI take a decision.”

Singhvi said, “I have no problem… There is urgency because I got a 20-day window for campaignin­g that ends. Then I have to go for the medical tests. So I wanteda7-dayextensi­on.itisnot an abuse because I am asking for 7 days only.”

Inhisplea,kejriwalha­ssought tosurrende­ronjune9.sayingthat he lost 6-7 kg during the period of his arrest, Kejriwal said in his plea that he could not regain weight even after his release.

He said sudden and unexplaine­dweightlos­s,coupledwit­h high ketone levels, could be indicative of kidney damage, serious cardiac ailments and even cancer,andearlyde­tectionwas­essential for preventing further progress of the disease and associated life risks.

He said he suffered many health-relatedcom­plications­duringhisa­rrest,andblamedi­tpartly on what he called the negligent and callous behaviour of jail authoritie­s.

Recent test reports pointed to highbloodg­lucoseleve­laswellas high ketone levels in urine which indicate that in addition to increased blood sugar, he may have also developed kidney related complicati­ons and even kidney damage, he said.

Accordingt­okejriwal’splea,a senior physician from Max Hospital visited him at his residence on May 25 for a health check-up and prescribed a number of medical tests including whole body PET-CT scan to rule out any malignancy, and the Holtermoni­tortest,wherehewil­l berequired­towearahol­termonitor for a few days while going about his daily activities to identify any irregulari­ties in the functionin­gofhishear­t.thesetests,his plea said, are to be done in a particular sequence and require fiveseven days.

Sayingthat­hislifewou­ldbeat riskifhedi­dnotunderg­othetests, Kejriwal said he would get all the tests done in the working week from June 3 to June 7, and surrender on June 9.

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