The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Slovak PM Robert Fico shot, critical

A 71-yr-old man is the shooter; motive unclear


SLOVAK PRIME Minister Robert Fico suffered life-threatenin­g injuries when he was shot and wounded in an attempted assassinat­ion on Wednesday, the government office said. Slovak media said the shooter was a 71-year-old man but the motive was not immediatel­y clear.

The incident shocked Slovakia, a small central European nation with little history of political violence. Slovakia’s partners in the European Union and NATO condemned the shooting.

Fico, 59, was rushed to hospital in the central Slovak town of Handlova where he had been chairing a government meeting. He was then transporte­d by helicopter to regional capital Banska Bystrica for urgent treatment, it said, adding that his condition was too serious for him to be taken to Bratislava.

A Reuters witness heard three or four shots as Fico exited a building to shake hands with a crowd of people who had been waiting to greet him. Police then wrestled a man to the ground.

News outlet reported the shooter was a 71year-old man and cited his son as saying his father was the legal holder of a gun licence. It did not name either of the men. “I have absolutely no idea what my father intended, what he planned, what happened,” it quoted the shooter's son as saying.

Broadcaste­r TA3 reported four shots had been fired, and that the leftist prime minister had been hit in the abdomen.

Fico, who returned as prime minister last October for the fourth time, has drawn criticism in some quarters for taking a more pro-russian stance in the Ukraine war and initiating reforms of criminal law and the media which have raised concerns over the rule of law and prompted street protests.

Following the shooting, Slovakia's biggest opposition party Progressiv­e Slovakia called off a planned protest against government public broadcaste­r reforms. Slovakia's acting speaker of parliament Peter Ziga condemned the shooting as an attack on the principle of democracy.

US President Joe Biden condemned the “horrific act of violence.” Russian President Vladimir Putin called the shootingof Ficoa"monstrous"crime.

 ?? ?? Security officers move Robert Fico in a car after the shooting in Handlova on Wednesday. Reuters
Security officers move Robert Fico in a car after the shooting in Handlova on Wednesday. Reuters
 ?? ?? Fico has drawn criticism for taking a more pro-russian stance in the Ukraine war
Fico has drawn criticism for taking a more pro-russian stance in the Ukraine war

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