The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

IMD: Southwest monsoon likely to hit Kerala on May 31


THE INDIA Meteorolog­ical Department (IMD) Wednesday said that the southwest monsoon onset over Kerala is likely to take place on May 31, with a possible weather model deviation of four days.

The climatolog­ical normal date for the onset over this southern state is June 1, with a standardde­viationofs­evendays.

The monsoon onset over Kerala marks the beginning of the four-month long chief monsoon season over India. The country receives over 70 per cent of its annual rainfall during the June - September period. Rainfall during these months replenish the reservoir stocks, groundwate­r reserves and are vital for rain-fed kharif cultivatio­n in the country.

This year, the Met department has forecast 'above' normal rainfall over the country during the upcoming season. Quantitati­vely, it is expected to be 106 per cent of Long Period Average (880mm as per 1971 2020 data).

Earlier this week, IMD has said that the monsoon advance over the South Andaman Sea, Nicobar islands and parts of Bay of Bengal was expected around May 19, which is approximat­ely two days ahead of the normal date for this region.

Satellite images from over the past few days have shown cloud bands re or ga ni sing themselves along the equator. The is cloud band is known as the inter Tropical Convergenc­e Zone (ITCZ) which is crucial for bringing rainfall over the country. During the southwest mon soon season, the ITCZ shifts north or south ward along india and influences the winds that bring rainfall over the country. In the past one decade, the realised monsoon onset over Kerala was marked in May during 2017, 2018 and 2022.

 ?? File ?? This year, IMD has forecast ‘above’ normal rainfall in the upcoming season.
File This year, IMD has forecast ‘above’ normal rainfall in the upcoming season.

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