The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

‘If Aiyar’s Pak remarks play out... good for BJP’


A FORMER diplomat now firmly settled into his role as a politician, Union Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs and Petroleum and Natural Gas HARDEEP SINGH PURI has been busy campaignin­g for the BJP across the country. In an interview to MANOJ C G and DAMINI NATH he speaks about the war of words between the BJP and Congress, and the reason for the BJP’S confidence about “400plus seats”. Excerpts:

How do you see the BJP campaign shaping up?

The mood is upbeat, even though some people are deliberate­ly attempting a distorted narrative. They are saying voting percentage­s have fallen, that the BJP is worried. The BJP is the only party that has booth-wise data. I'm not saying that all our supporters at some booths turned up, but... you must also be able to do a granular analysis of whose voters turned out. In 2014, we got the first absolute majority in 37 years. In 2019, we got 303 seats. If you get 10% more, you are at 333. If you get 15% more, you are at 345+. Hopefully, your allies will also get some votes. So, you are already at 380-390. I have been saying that in two places – West Bengal and the South – I see fantastic ground-level support.

Why are you seeking '400 paar’ seats this time?

I remember how, before the 2014 elections, I would ask a friend in the party how the arithmetic would work. Somebody then told me, this is not arithmetic, but chemistry. And the chemistry that worked in 2014 was simple – the previous decade (2004-2014, UPA time) was one of policy paralysis... In 2019, some of us in the government were directed by the Home Minister to undertake a granular analysis of Central schemes and the beneficiar­ies. The total number of beneficiar­ies came to 22 crore.

And you know how many votes we got? 22 crore! I have never been one to say that ‘If I get you a house, you will vote for me’. But equally I think, if you are a beneficiar­y, you won't ignore that it’s what you got. The number of beneficiar­ies is going to be higher. I have been using the figure of 33 crore (beneficiar­ies). I'm convinced our count alone will see an increase of more than 15% that is 356-357 seats...

A recent CSDS survey found unemployme­nt as the most important issue for 62% of the respondent­s. Is that a campaign issue for the BJP?

The total number of people who moved out of multidimen­sional poverty in the last 10 years is 25 crore. The employment sector is more than government jobs; 20% of the country’s net revenue comes from oil companies. It means economic activity is booming. What does economic activity mean? Jobs... If jobs had not been there, you would also have a level of discontent which expresses itself...

There are reports of BJP candidates not being allowed into some Punjab villages, facing protests from farmers, unhappines­s among Sikhs...

I won't say I disagree with you. There is a degree of unhappines­s. I think the answer to that lies in understand­ing that 'unhappines­s'. We were a junior partner in our alliance in Punjab. The BJP never contested more than three of the 13 (Lok Sabha) seats in Punjab. It means the BJP had no presence on the ground in the other 10. For the first time, the BJP is contesting on its own. My assessment is we will get at least five-six seats.

Would you say the Opposition is more successful in controllin­g the narrative this time than in 2019?

I don't think so. You attack Sanatan Dharma, for instance. There is a spontaneou­s reaction from a large number of people, including fromyour own party. You have Sam Pitroda waxing eloquent on ethnicity. Why should we not have a little fun? If Mani Shankar Aiyar’s statement (on Pakistan) plays out for the next three days, it’s to our advantage… When you get aberration­s in results, it’s because the other side has been able to sell a narrative. The AAP did that in Delhi and Punjab and people see through it.

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