The Hindu (Delhi)

World Population Day was on July 11. Let us see if you got the figures right

- Ramya Kannan


World Population Day falls on July 11. It was designated so by the governing council of the UNDP, for a specific reason. What was the reason?


When was the last Indian census conducted?


In the 200 years or so, since the world hit the magic number of 1 billion in terms of population, it grew ——.

Fill in the blank, by how many times did the population grow?


Total fertility rate is the average number of children born per woman in a country, and it has been reducing over the years. India’s fertility rate has been declining for decades, and it has now dropped to below the replacemen­t level of 2.1 children per woman. What is the fertility rate for India as of 2021?


Which are the top three most populous countries in the world?

The first two may be easy to guess, not a big challenge. Name the third-most populous country and while you are at it, throw in No. 1 and 2 as well.

◣ Questions and Answers to the previous day’s daily quiz:

1. A classic of modern American literature, this book won this prize. Ans: Pulitzer Prize

2. This character, a lawyer in the book, has served as a moral hero for many readers and as a model of integrity for lawyers. Name the character. Ans: Atticus Finch

3. Which genre does this novel belong to, given that it focuses on the psychologi­cal and moral growth of the protagonis­t from childhood to adulthood? Ans: Bildungsro­man

4. Who won the award for best actor, for portraying the leading role? Ans: Gregory Peck

5. This character Dill Harris is the best friend of the Finch children in the novel. He is believed to be based on a childhood friend of Harper Lee, who was a novelist and playwright himself. Ans: Truman Capote

6. What is the metaphor behind the title of the novel? Ans: ‘To kill a mockingbir­d’ is to kill that which is innocent and harmless

Visual: The sign that reads watchman refers to Harper Lee’s only other book. Ans: Go Set a Watchman

Early Birds: Seema Das | Jyot Prakash | Debarati Kar | Sadhan Kumar Panda | Prachi Sharma

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Visual Question:
Which continent has the highest rate of population growth?
GETTY IMAGES Visual Question: Which continent has the highest rate of population growth?

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