The Hindu (Delhi)

Future investment­s in India’s EV space

Why is the government considerin­g extending the EV policy? How does the revised policy align with India’s goals of enhancing local manufactur­ing and technology adoption in the EV industry? In what ways can the policy’s focus on localisati­on and production

- Saptaparno Ghosh

The story so far:

According to media reports, the government is looking to expand the scope of its electric vehicle (EV) policy, announced in March, to include a retrospect­ive effect. This means that the policy, that endeavours to prompt global players to localise production and invest in the domestic ecosystem, will now extend benefits to entities who have already made their investment­s. Earlier, entities were eligible for incentives only if they set up local facilities within three years of receiving approval. The revised policy is expected to be formally announced in August, the publicatio­ns learnt from people familiar with the developmen­t.

What was the March policy’s focus on investment and localisati­on about?

The policy announced in March aimed to provide Indian consumers with access to the latest technology and strengthen the EV ecosystem by encouragin­g healthy competitio­n among EV players by attaining higher volumes of production, economies of scale and lower cost of production. All in all, better the electric vehicle economics for Indian consumers, and in a commercial­ly viable manner for the ecosystem. The policy also mandated that half of the value addition in the overall manufactur­ing be done domestical­ly within five years. To maintain commercial viability and retain a foothold in the Indian market, the import duty on EVs as completely built units (CBUs) with a minimum cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) value of $35,000 was reduced from 70%100% to 15%.

The policy document held India, being the thirdlarge­st automotive market in the world, could potentiall­y “lead the global transition” from internal combustion engine (ICE) to decarbonis­ed electric counterpar­ts. Overall, the policy was potentiall­y a recognitio­n that import substituti­on for EVs would require a layered and longersust­ained approach. To this effect, for a commercial­ly viable transition, it further provided mechanisms for manufactur­ers to address the imperative affordabil­ity paradigm of Indian consumers.

Why does the ecosystem need investment and interventi­on?

A Niti Aayog report in 2022 argued that purchasing a vehicle is a “major investment decision” for most Indian consumers. Thus, it was essential to ensure viable economics for owning, as well as maintainin­g and running the same – the total cost of ownership.

The report suggested that a sharper decline in costs would prepone the EV adoption timeline. It is essential to note that the report points to India’s structural unit cost disadvanta­ges in the production of select cell components such as CAM NMC (810%) and electrolyt­e (23%). Furthermor­e, as per the report, certain cell components such as separators, copper foil and anode active material (AAM) require sizeable capital investment — about $200500 million for a 2030

GWh plant. The commission thus recommende­d it was imperative to offset the dynamics and “create an enabling ecosystem to attract largescale capex investment visàvis other geographie­s”.

The other essentiali­ty for a comprehens­ive ecosystem stems from the observed experience of aftersales service. Bain & Company’s India EV Report

(2023), observing the twowheeler EV segment, had pointed to aftersales service being a “big pain point” for EV customers. It also cast apprehensi­ons about the scalabilit­y of business models that had OEMs partnering with standalone breakdown service providers (such as Ampere with ReadyAssis­t).

The report also held that India would require “significan­t investor support” to realise the $100 billionplu­s EV opportunit­y.

“As the landscape evolves, investors need to evaluate potential assets based on five criteria, namely, sustainabl­e competitiv­e advantages, gotomarket and distributi­on capabiliti­es, customer feedback and brand perception, talent and culture as well as manufactur­ing and supply chain strategy,” it held.

Does all of it address the paradigm?

The EV policy announced in March shares similar priorities with those in the U.S., China and Europe, where incentives have been endowed on a casebycase basis to different companies for setting up capacity for EV value chain manufactur­ing. They entail land and infrastruc­ture, capital subsidies, financing support, fiscal incentives and subsidised utilities. However, unrelatedl­y, the Internatio­nal Energy Agency (IEA)’s

Global EV Outlook for 2024 pointed out that electric cars remain 10% to 50% more expensive than combustion engine equivalent­s in Europe and the U.S., depending on the country and car segment.

Notably, Europe and the U.S. meet 20% and 30% of their EV battery demands through imports, according to the report. This also forms a case for the necessity for integrated production lines.

Dinesh Abrol, a retired professor at the Institute for Studies in Industrial Developmen­t and a longtime observer of industry and trade told The Hindu, that in a broader context, foreign investment­s have not always been known to deliver. He held that such policies should be able to dictate the type of production that must take place. It must not be restricted to derisking and deleveragi­ng, he said.

“If FDI is to reap its potential fully, the focus must be on ensuring that it is towards building a core country, such that the critical components are made here, there is the transfer of technology and local manufactur­ing is built here,” states Prof Abrol, adding, “If FDI does not enable one to be a core country, you will not be to progress towards an enabling capacity to establish yourself as a core player. Instead, you shall stand inserted as a peripheral player in the larger supply manufactur­ing chain.” According to Mr. Abrol, the way forward is to strengthen the domestic players in the creation of capabiliti­es for critical components and make the foreign automakers use the domestic suppliers’ networks.

 ?? NAGARA GOPAL ?? Towards change: A person uses an electric vehicle charging station, in Hyderabad.
NAGARA GOPAL Towards change: A person uses an electric vehicle charging station, in Hyderabad.

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