The Hindu (Delhi)

Shivakumar to form panel to analyse Cong.’s poor show in Karnataka LS poll


Amid a game of one-upmanship between Chief Minister Siddaramai­ah and Deputy Chief Minister D.K. Shivakumar on the demand for creation of multiple Deputy Chief Minister posts and replacemen­t of the Chief Minister, Mr. Shivakumar on Monday asserted his authority by chairing a meeting of KPCC oflce-bearers to chalk out the party’s strategy for the bypolls to three Legislativ­e Assembly constituen­cies and polls to urban and rural local bodies.

Sending a strong message against the demand for “one-man, one-post” advocated by loyalists of Mr. Siddaramai­ah, Mr. Shivakumar held discussion­s on the Lok Sabha poll outcome with the party’s offlce-bearers and District Congress Committee chiefs and decided to form a committee to flnd out reasons for the party’s poor show in the election.

Against the expectatio­n of winning 15 Lok Sabha seats, the Congress ended up winning nine. The factflnding committee will make a presentati­on before an AICC committee.

After the Lok Sabha poll, the Chief Minister’s loyalists and some senior party leaders have been seeking replacemen­t of Mr. Shivakumar from the KPCC chief’s post. Mr. Shivakumar holds the posts of the State Congress chief and two major portfolios.

The KPCC meeting took several decisions on the organisati­on’s preparedne­ss and readiness to face the elections. It passed a resolution on the necessity of holding divisional-level meetings attended by the Chief Minister, the KPCC president, and senior leaders for analysing the Lok Sabha election.

‘Futile attempt’

Sources in the party said Mr. Shivakumar told oflcebearer­s that “some are trying to remove him from the party president’s post. But they are making a futile attempt”. The party’s Central leadership is believed to have told him to continue in the post and issue show-cause notices to all those who violate party discipline. He and AICC president Mallikarju­n Kharge held a meeting in Delhi on Sunday.

 ?? SPECIAL ARRANGEMEN­T ?? Karnataka Deputy CM D.K. Shivakumar meets Congress president Mallikarju­n Kharge in New Delhi on Sunday.
SPECIAL ARRANGEMEN­T Karnataka Deputy CM D.K. Shivakumar meets Congress president Mallikarju­n Kharge in New Delhi on Sunday.

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