The Hindu (Delhi)

BJP banks on microinflu­encers for its social media campaign

- Satvika Mahajan NEW DELHI

The BJP, known to be adept at using social media in its electoral campaigns, is looking to engage microinflu­encers from within the party to help it expand its reach among Delhi voters ahead of the Lok Sabha poll. The national capital will vote on May 25.

“A microinflu­encer is somebody who has a ground connect. They are more trusted within the community compared to influencer­s with larger followings. They are more accessible. They usually have a social media following of 2,0005,000,” said Rohit Upadhyay, Delhi BJP’s social media incharge.

The party’s campaign in the Capital has been dubbed as “Dil Mein Modi, Dilli Mein Modi [Modi in hearts, Modi in Delhi]”. The BJP is hoping to run a “positive” campaign to inform voters about the projects undertaken by the BJPled Central government and how these changed people’s lives.

“When the BJP at the

While Facebook will be used to reach out to an older and underprivi­leged audience, Instagram will target younger voters, and ◣ will cater to the elite. ROHIT UPADHYAY

Delhi BJP social media incharge

Centre does good work, many influencer­s on social media tend to publicise it themselves. We do not approach them or pay them. They appreciate it themselves and make content around it on their own,” Mr. Upadhyay said.

However, this year, the party has decided to bank on people “within the party system”, which have smaller followings, to help promulgate the party’s messages within communitie­s.

Bid to reach all sections

Explaining how the party is reaching out to voters in the Capital, he said the key to cracking social media campaigns is understand­ing how various demographi­cs consume content on different platforms. “Keeping this in mind, we plan to customise our messages on every app to ensure they reach the right audience.”

He said, “While Facebook will be used to reach out to an older and underprivi­leged audience, Instagram will target younger voters, and ◣ will cater to the elite.”

A BJP leader who wished to remain anonymous said, “Our party workers are also working on the ground to reach out to voters and get their video and sound bytes. It will get us their feedback and help highlight the party’s good work.”

The party has announced fresh faces for six out of the seven Lok Sabha seats in the Capital. The incumbent NorthEast Delhi MP Manoj Tiwari is the only candidate the party has retained. The other candidates include Sushma Swaraj’s daughter Bansuri Swaraj from New Delhi.

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