The Free Press Journal

The Light Of The Heart

- — Dada J P Vaswani

In every heart there is a point of light shining. It is the light divine. You can see it only when you turn within.

Rishis of ancient India have described the human heart as a cave; deep inside is this light which shines bright. It is a point of light within. This light is beautiful to behold.

Man is ever in search of inner peace. He is in search of this light. What he needs to do is turn within. Enter the cave, the dark deep cave of your heart, and behold! The bright point of light, magical, eternal, and overwhelmi­ng, fills you with its radiance.

The day this light pierces the darkness of the heart and glows with its unique inner radiance, you will receive answers to your many questions, you will know your true identity. You will know the purpose of your life. You will clearly see the goal and the path you must walk to attain it.

Once a very old man came to see me. He could hardly walk. He said to me, “I have come to seek your blessings. I am going to Haridwar, to see the Laxman Jhoola.” I was concerned for him; I asked him, why he was so intent on taking up such an arduous journey at his advanced age. He replied, “It is my intense desire to see the Laxman Jhoola. It is my dearest wish to have a dip in the sacred Ganga at the point where Laxman crossed the holy river. I believe I will have a vision of God when I behold that sacred spot.”

In vain I told him of the radiance within; that Rama, Sita and Laxman were seated within him. Instead of taking an arduous journey to Haridwar it would be better if he sat at home and undertook the sadhana to get a glimpse of the light within, for then he would not only have darshan but he could be with Rama, Sita and Laxman, who were all seated on the jhoola of his heart.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna tells Arjuna, “O Arjuna, I reside in every heart.” In each one of us is the Divine Spirit. The Almighty, the Power Supreme dwells within us.

Dada J P Vaswani is a humanitari­an, philosophe­r, educator, acclaimed writer, powerful orator, messiah of ahimsa, and non-sectarian spiritual leader

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