The Free Press Journal

Students hard hit by rains across Mumbai

Schools and colleges have been shut down due to the heavy rains that brought life to a standstill in Mumbai

- Megha Chowdhury

The heavy monsoon rains have brought life to a standstill in Mumbai, with several schools and colleges shutting down on Monday. The BMC announced a half-day holiday for government and private schools and colleges under its jurisdicti­on, with a decision on the afternoon session to be announced later.

Some schools, however, remained open, despite the challenges.

Suma Das, the principal of Pawar Public School, Bhandup, said, "Our school is functionin­g normally. We have no waterloggi­ng around the school, and most of our students have reported to class."

Jane Kotain, the principal of Bombay Scottish School, Powai, added, "We have gone online. Since we anticipate days like this, circulars, online timetables, notices to bus vendors and others are kept ready and they go out well before time. The entire process is seamless because the process is well planned."

But for college students, the day was a struggle.

At Mithibai College, students were left stranded outside, with waterlogge­d streets making it impossible to reach the campus.

Raina Mehta, a secondyear BCom student, said, "Since the college has a strict attendance policy, we were bound to attend lectures, but it would have been great if the college authoritie­s had announced the cancellati­on earlier."

Shivam Ahale, a student of the MMK College, said, "Early morning lectures took place, but attendance was very low. Even my parents asked me to skip, but my attendance has been really low, so I had to come."

Ahale also claimed that even the teachers came very late for the lectures.

A student from Sophia College, who preferred to remain anonymous, informed that there was low attendance in the college and lectures scheduled for the later part of the day were cancelled.

SNDT University, SVKM and NMIMS University, Mumbai Campus, announced a holiday due to waterloggi­ng and disrupted transporta­tion.

Vinod Malap, the deputy HR of SVKM and NMIMS, said, "Safety is a concern, so we've closed the campus for the day."

MMK College of Commerce & Economics, however, remained open despite low attendance.

Kishore Peshori, the principal, said, "Since our first session starts at 7.15 am, we couldn't let students who showed up go back in such rain, so we decided to conduct classes. Attendance will be given to those who missed classes today."

The heavy rains have left students and teachers alike struggling to cope.

As Nitish Pandaya, a parent stranded with his 8year-old son on the road outside Orchids Internatio­nal School, Malad, shared his school days memory, saying, "A rainy day in Mumbai used to mean a holiday back in our school days! Sad that my son won't enjoy those extra days off and will have to attend classes online."

We have no waterloggi­ng around the school, and most of our students have reported to class."

— Suma Das,

Principal, Pawar Public School, Bhandrup

Since we anticipate days like this, circulars, online timetables, notices to bus vendors and others are kept ready and they go out well before time."

— Jane Kotain,

Principal, Bombay Scottish School, Powai

Early morning lectures took place, but attendance was very low."

— Shivam Ahale,

Student, MMK College

 ?? ?? Outside SVKM and NMIMS College
Outside SVKM and NMIMS College
 ?? ?? Sophia College campus
Sophia College campus
 ?? ?? Low attendance at MMK College
Low attendance at MMK College
 ?? ?? Near Rameshwar School, Santacruz
Near Rameshwar School, Santacruz
 ?? ?? Outside SVKM and NMIMS College
Outside SVKM and NMIMS College
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Students and parents stranded
Students and parents stranded

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