The Free Press Journal

Tawadkar presents innovative ‘food park’ idea to Modi



ISpeaker of the Goa legislativ­e Assembly, Ramesh Tawadkar on Tuesday said that he met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and pitched to him a ‘food park’ in Canacona.

Tawadkar also said that he has officially invited the Prime Minister to inaugurate the ‘Lokotsav’ slated to be held later this year.

Citing the backwardne­ss of Canacona, the constituen­cy which he represents as MLA, Tawadkar said the agrarian taluka would be ideal for food processing and related industries within a dedicated food park.

A tribal himself, the Speaker has also been spearheadi­ng the ‘Lokotsav’ an annual festival of tribal culture and living. He said, this year he wished that Prime Minister Narendra Modi would inaugurate the event and has officially invited him to do the honours.

DISQUALIFI­CATION PLEAS: Responding to queries from the media, Tawadkar has denied any delay on his part in adjudicati­ng the disqualifi­cation pleas against legislator­s who switched camps from the Congress to the ruling BJP.

“The lawyers representi­ng the parties involved are taking time. The hearing of the petitions are progressin­g normally,” he said.

Multiple petitions seeking disqualifi­cation of the eight Congress MLAs who defected to the BJP in September 2022, are pending before the Speaker since then.

Former Congress State president, Girish Chodankar, who is one of the petitioner­s, has accused the Speaker of delaying proceeding­s and even approached SC which has urged Tawadkar to decide the matters expeditiou­sly.

Tawadkar has officially invited Prime Minister Narendra Modi to inaugurate the ‘Lokotsav’ -an annual festival of tribal culture and living -- and hopes he will accept it

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