The Free Press Journal

Rahul Gandhi’s fiery speech



Gandhi’s maiden speech as the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha has sparked considerab­le debate both within the House and beyond. The essence of his address was to highlight the ethos of India, Bharat, which is fundamenta­lly rooted in peace and non-violence. He invoked the symbolism of the open palm, a gesture widely recognised among religious leaders and icons, to emphasise the nation's core values. Gandhi portrayed the Indian people as inherently fearless, unwilling to bow before dictators. In his speech, he responded to the ruling party's attempts to create a divisive political climate for electoral gains, arguing that the people of India have consistent­ly rejected such tactics. He used religious symbols and quotations from sacred texts to support his argument, perhaps underestim­ating the potential backlash of such an approach. His criticism targeted the BJP and its ideology, but the treasury benches twisted his use of the word “Hindus” to accuse him of sacrilege, taking his words out of context for political gain.

The BJP has a history of exploiting statements for their own convenienc­e. Narendra Modi, for example, claimed that a Congress-led government would confiscate even the mangalsutr­a of Hindu women to benefit Muslims, who, he asserted, would have the first claim on national resources. He even suggested that the Congress manifesto was a copy of Jinnah’s Muslim League manifesto. Gandhi's speech, though confrontat­ional, resonated with many who have felt marginalis­ed over the past five years, during a period marked by division, rather than unity, and recriminat­ion, rather than reconcilia­tion. As someone who has endured significan­t political adversity, Gandhi's indignatio­n was palpable, reflecting the sentiments of those he represents. As the political dust settles, Gandhi's transforma­tion from the “angry young man” into a more seasoned leader will be crucial for his future political trajectory.

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