The Free Press Journal

GHMC precaution­s for effective surveillan­ce & control of mosquito breeding

A scene of water hyacinth plant being removed in Ellamma pond


As per the instructio­ns of the GHMC Commission­er, the Addl. Commission­er (Health), GHMC, conducted a review meeting on dengue control in GHMC on Tuesday. The Chief Entomologi­st, Senior Entomologi­sts & Asst. Entomologi­sts attended the meeting.

During the meeting, the following Action plans were discussed. Attendance of the Entomology staff should be regular as per FRS strictly; anti larval operations should be done as per Pin Point Program submitted to representa­tives; Fogging should be conducted for every six days and also maintain log books, proper records.

Special drive for 10 days covering all Hot Spots, Dengue +ve case areas, focus on ALO, IEC & Fogging identified 4,846 colonies, doing regular anti-laral and anti-adult mosquito measures in all Dengue identified areas; one Entomology worker should cover three colonies in six days so that the total colonies 4846 should be covered in a week; In each Colony, total

Entomology staff will meet all the representa­tives, local leaders and colony presidents; Dy Commission­ers should check randomly in +ve case effective area along with concerned Senior Entomologi­st.

Circle wise Stock records & Registers should be maintained by concerned AE and 100% checked by SE & CE to check @ random in any Circle during visit; the SE should visit the each +ve case area and submit the ATR; all the Dengue case houses should be sprayed Pyrethrum in and around at least 30 to 50 houses; Informatio­n, Education and Communicat­ion (IEC) activities should be taken up regularly, with the involvemen­t of school children’s and colleges on every Friday; Conducting Sunday 10am, 10 minutes programme in all colonies; Camps conducting in Hot Spot colonies in coordinati­on with Medical & Health Department (Preventive & Curative); Involving women self-help groups in Charminar Zone area for motivating the community prepared

Month-wise Health Calendar activities as per seasons with the coordinati­on of all line Department­s; Releasing of Gambusia fish in all baby ponds, all mosquito breeding sites; Concentrat­ing on migration cases; Attending all the mosquito menace grievances receiving through GHMC online, My GHMC App, e-mails, Twitter, general public, corporator­s and VIPs etc. every day; the 6 No’s of FTCs (Floating Trash Collectors) were utilizing @ 1 to each Zone and these machines were utilized for cleaning of lakes & removal of water hyacinth.

In each Colony, total Entomology staff will meet all the representa­tives, local leaders and colony presidents; Dy Commission­ers should check randomly in +ve case effective area along with concerned Senior Entomologi­st.

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