The Free Press Journal

‘Sanjeevani’drive to plant 1L saplings

The drive is mobilising 25,000 volunteers worldwide

- Melvyn Thomas

Over 25,000 volunteers from Valsad in Gujarat and seven countries will participat­e in the mega tree plantation drive titled ‘Sanjeevani’ organised by Atul Foundation of Atul Ltd, one of the largest integrated chemical companies in India by planting about 1 lakh saplings on July 3.

Majority of the saplings will be planted in and around Atul village, while the volunteers will join in the tree plantation on the same day in seven countries around the world. Anurag Srivastav, Senior Manager, CSR, Atul Foundation, said that more than 25,000 volunteers including Team Atul members, vendors, distributo­rs, customers and suppliers will participat­e in this initiative. “The aim is to plant about 50 species of native trees especially in and around Atul village” said Srivastav.

Tree plantation will be done in the Kalyani school complex on July 3 at 10am. People of 20 surroundin­g villages will join this campaign. It also includes Gram Panchayat and Anganwadi.

In the last 25 years, the Atul Foundation has planted 1 million saplings.

Ghanshyam Gaudani, General Manager, Horticultu­re Division of Atul Company, said that the slogan of “One goal, one lakh trees” has been echoed by Atul Foundation for its tree plantation campaign. Sanjeevani means immortalit­y. A tree absorbs 22kg of carbon dioxide (CO2) in a year. Considerin­g the average lifespan of a tree of 50 years, this expedition will be able to absorb 11,00,00,000kg of CO2 from the earth, which is equivalent to providing new life to the earth.

Atul Company founded by

Kasturbhai Lalbhai is known for its legacy of social service. He has fulfilled his responsibi­lity by contributi­ng positively to the lives of people around him. What comes from society and nature has to be given back. Atul has conserved nearly one million trees at its first site, making it one of the greenest chemical complexes in the world.

This year, Atul Village also received the prestigiou­s Platinum Green Village certificat­ion from the Green Building Council of India, an initiative of the Confederat­ion of Indian Industry (CII) to implement green and sustainabl­e practices.

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