The Free Press Journal

GUVNL signs MOU with LDES for renewable energy


The Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (GUVNL) and the Center for Net-Zero Energy Transition (C-NET), a department under GETRI, signed an MoU with the Long Duration Energy Storage Council (LDES Council) on Tuesday.

The MoU was signed by Julia Suder, CEO of LDES and Chairperso­n of the Global Renewable Alliance (GRA), representi­ng LDES Council, and

Saurav Nandi, CFM (Power Trading), representi­ng GUVNL.

This MoU between GUVNL and LDES Council sets the stage for a comprehens­ive evaluation of long-term energy storage solutions. Such technology is crucial for ensuring grid stability, integratin­g renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, and advancing decarboniz­ation efforts.

Gujarat leads the country with the highest non-convention­al energy capacity of 27,000 MW. In FY 2023-24, Gujarat added over 13,000 MW of renewable energy capacity and plans to add an additional 40,000 MW by 2030.

Energy storage plays a critical role in reducing uncertaint­y in renewable energy production and ensuring safe and reliable grid operation. Recently, Gujarat achieved the most competitiv­e rates for total energy storage capacity at 750 MW/3000 MWh, costing between Rs 3.5 and Rs4.5 per unit. This achievemen­t underscore­s the economic viability of energy storage solutions in supporting grid stability.

Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (GUVNL) is forging partnershi­ps with leading national and internatio­nal organisati­ons and think tanks, including the World Resources Institute (WRI), Internatio­nal Hydropower Associatio­n (IHA), GIZ, and the Council on Energy, Environmen­t, and Water (CEEW). These collaborat­ions are crucial in advancing decarboniz­ation efforts and promoting Gujarat’s transition to a net-zero energy future. GUVNL establishe­d the “C-NET” think tank, which aims to achieve net-zero emissions by 2047 through strategic actions.

Collaborat­ions are crucial in advancing decarbonis­ation efforts and promoting Gujarat’s transition to a net-zero energy future

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