The Free Press Journal

Three things students should do during their internship­s


An internship is a great opportunit­y to brush shoulders with the workforce one is poised to join, and hence a chance to observe many things. Here are three ways in which students can make the most of their internship­s:

Observe how to communicat­e

This is the time to shed your shyness and face your fears. You may not be great at communicat­ion, but if you hide behind your fear, the internship will only be a golden opportunit­y that is lost. Don’t hesitate to contribute your views, just because you are new to the game. Many a times a fresh perspectiv­e helps.

Learn, Unlearn and Relearn

The internship is a great time to understand the practical applicatio­n of concepts that you have learnt in class. On occasions you may find that there is great mismatch between what you have learnt and the reality you encounter. ake accountabi­lity for your mistakes and don’t overtly justify them. Rather invest that time in learning what you did wrong and take feedback constructi­vely. Listen to respond, not to react. This will help you to learn, unlearn and relearn, all the same time.

Maintain a journal of your learning

Most students are expected to prepare a project report at the end of their internship. Unless one records one’s learning,one will not be able to recall one’s observatio­ns. In fact, one could divide the learnings into two parts – one may be relevant to the project report and the other may be general observatio­ns regarding communicat­ion, hierarchy, values etc.

–Ms. Minouti Naik, Assistant Professor, Communicat­ion and Soft Skills, Kohinoor Management School (KMS)

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