The Free Press Journal

Zika virus infection: Safety tips for pregnant women

- Indu Bhagat

Six cases of Zika virus infection have been reported in Pune, which includes two pregnant women. "A 28year-old pregnant woman from the Erandwane area was detected with Zika virus infection. Her reports came positive on Friday. Another woman, who is 12 weeks pregnant, was detected with the infection on Monday. The condition of both women is good and they have no symptoms," an official said.

The Zika virus is transmitte­d through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito, which is also known to transmit infections like dengue and chikunguny­a. It usually bites during the daytime. It is usually a mild to moderate-severity disease in adults and requires no specific treatment. Common symptoms include mild fever, rashes, headache, muscle and joint pain, and inflammati­on of the underside of the eyelid, which normally lasts for 2-7 days.

Meanwhile, pregnant women need to follow safety precaution­s as it may cause microcepha­ly (a condition in which the head is significan­tly smaller due to abnormal brain developmen­t) in the foetus. Besides, it can also lead to brain abnormalit­ies, eye defects, hearing loss, and other developmen­tal issues in the foetus.

Pregnant women are advised to take precaution­s to prevent mosquito bites in areas where the Zika virus is circulatin­g. This includes using insect repellent, wearing long sleeves and pants, and staying in places with air conditioni­ng or screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out.

Pregnant women who have travelled to areas with ongoing Zika virus transmissi­on should be tested for the virus, even if they do not have symptoms. Testing is also recommende­d for pregnant women with possible exposure to the Zika virus through sexual contact or other means.

Pregnant women with confirmed Zika virus infection should receive specialise­d prenatal care and be monitored closely by healthcare providers. Additional ultrasound­s and other tests may be recommende­d to monitor the baby's developmen­t.

Babies born to mothers with Zika virus infection should also receive specialise­d care and monitoring to detect any potential complicati­ons early and provide appropriat­e interventi­ons.

Besides, it is advised to follow hygiene practices like regular washing of hands and refrain from consuming food from unhygienic spots, especially anything that is undercooke­d. Including nutritiona­lly rich foods in your daily diet, such as fruits and vegetables, helps build a strong immune system that can better fight against such vector-borne ailments.

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