The Free Press Journal

Shirazi’s nexus of retailers, distributo­rs

- Ashish Singh

The investigat­ion into the alleged drug network of Ali Asgar Shirazi by the Enforcemen­t Directorat­e (ED) has revealed that his associate Abdul Samad procured large quantities of psychotrop­ic medicines and opioids from various pharmaceut­ical companies across the country with the help of retailers, distributo­rs and other persons. These drugs were transporte­d to Ahmedabad and Lucknow, and then to Mumbai.

At Shirazi’s Andheri office in Mumbai, these drugs were concealed in sarees and other garments, besides food items, and dispatched to internatio­nal destinatio­ns, including the United States and the United Kingdom, just before the Covid-19 pandemic, the agency has stated in its prosecutio­n complaint.

The ED has claimed that several pharma companies are under its radar as its probe has uncovered a complex manufactur­ing and supply network aimed at evading accountabi­lity. As per the agency, some firms have been producing drugs and opioids and funnelling them into illicit distributi­on networks with fraudulent sale and supply bills.

The ED has identified a key supplier, Ram Lakhan Patel, who, in his statement, has named several companies involved in manufactur­ing these banned substances. He named M/s Tanpal Pharmaceut­ical Pvt Ltd, based in Baddi, Himachal Pradesh, that manufactur­ed opioid Tramadol under the brand name TMD. This painkiller medication, identified as a ‘fighter drug’, has reportedly been used by the ISIS terrorist organisati­on. It was sold to M/s Son Pharma in Vapi, which allegedly showed bogus sales and supplied it to M/s JD Pharma in Lucknow.

As per the ED, Patel has disclosed that Tanpal Pharma also manufactur­ed Zolpidem, another banned drug, which was supplied to M/s Curology Pharma in Chandigarh, which then transferre­d it to Son Pharma with fraudulent sales records obscuring the actual distributi­on route to JD Pharma in Lucknow.

According to Patel, Dhiraj from JD Pharma was his associate tasked with procuring and distributi­ng consignmen­ts to Shirazi and others drug dealers. Sources indicated that the supply – first to Son Pharma and then to Dhiraj at JD Pharma – was strategica­lly planned to mislead authoritie­s.

According to Patel, he was associated with Gadhesaria Rasikbhai Nayan of M/s Nishal Healthcare Pvt Ltd, which was also responsibl­e for procuring drugs and opioids from several other pharma firms. Nishal Healthcare procured opioid RLam from Gwalior-based Aran Pharma. To manufactur­e Tramadol under the brand name Trakem, they turned to M/s Elikem Pharmaceut­ical and M/s S B Lifescienc­es. For opioid tablets, they used M/s Neurovisio­n. Patel himself prepared fake bills, and the actual stock was sent to Abdul Samad in Ahmedabad.

As per the ED, Patel also disclosed the role of one Ashish Shukla from Kanpur, who distribute­d Oltram (tramadol) manufactur­ed by HAB Pharmaceut­icals.

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