The Free Press Journal

Govt: Will upgrade Jarange-Patil’s security if needed


Maharashtr­a minister Shambhuraj Desai on Tuesday announced that the government will investigat­e claims of drone surveillan­ce over activist Manoj Jarange's village.

The announceme­nt came during an assembly session where the Leader of Opposition and senior Congress leader, Vijay Wadettiwar, raised concerns about Jarange's safety, suggesting potential threats to his life.

Desai assured that if necessary, Jarange's security, which had already been armed, would be further upgraded.

Wadettiwar alleged that Jarange's Antarwali Sarati was under drone surveillan­ce and the government must provide security to him. Raising the issue in the assembly, Waddetiwar claimed that the activist's life may be in danger.

“Everyone has a right to protest, and if the village is under drone surveillan­ce, it is not good. Villagers are scared,” the Congress leader claimed.

“Jarange had been provided armed security earlier. If needed, the security will be upgraded,” he said. Meanwhile, villagers in Antarwali Sarati claimed to have seen a drone camera flying over the house of the village sarpanch, Kaushalyab­ai Tarakh, where Jarange is residing.

According to villagers, this

I have seen the drone myself. Some individual­s are playing an evil trick to intimidate us, but we are not afraid –Jarange-Patil

was the second spotting in less than a week.

A video has surfaced on social media, which shows Jarange pointing at the drone.

Meanwhile, Jarange urged MLAs and MPs from his community to unite in the fight for reservatio­n under the OBC category or face consequenc­es in the forthcomin­g Maharashtr­a assembly elections. “Leaders of the Maratha community should attend these rallies in solidarity for Maratha reservatio­n. They should demand the implementa­tion of the draft notificati­on of 'Sage Soyare' (blood relatives) and the old Hyderabad and Satara gazettes which have proved that Marathas are Kunbis,” he said.

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