The Free Press Journal

Eyelid Pimples Treat them effectivel­y with these home remedies

- Somya Ojha

Apimple is something that can pop up at any part of the body, however, when it pops up at sensitive places like eyelids, they can cause a great deal of discomfort and pain. Often caused by clogging up of the oil glands, pimples appearing on the eyelids can be hard to deal with. And, if you’ve ever suffered from this problem, then you may know that a majority of over-the-counter ointments and creams don’t work as effectivel­y as certain home remedies. In case, you’re wondering which home remedies can be used for treating an eyelid pimple, commonly known as a stye, then we’ve got you covered. We’ve curated a list of age-old, effective home remedies that can help you get rid of an eyelid pimple. These remedies are loaded with anti-inflammato­ry and anti-bacterial properties that can give you relief from the annoying symptoms of an eyelid pimple. Read on to know more about these remedies here.

1 Warm compress

Soak a clean washcloth in hot water. Squeeze the cloth and place it on the affected area. Allow it to stay there for 5 minutes. Use this home remedy at least 3-4 times through the course of the day to get rid of the inflammati­on and redness.

2 Green tea

Take a green tea bag, dip it into a cup of lukewarm water. After 5 minutes, take out the tea bag and squeeze it to get rid of the dripping water. Once done, place the tea bag onto an eyelid pimple and let it stay there for 5-10 minutes. Use this potent remedy at least twice a day to get desired results.

3 Coriander seeds

Pour 2 cups water into a pot and add a handful of coriander seeds to it. Allow it to boil for 5-10 minutes before removing the pot from the store. Strain the solution in a bowl and set it under the fan to cool off.

4 Turmeric

Put a pinch of water to a cup of hot water. Stir and close the lid to get the solution ready. After a few minutes, dip a cotton ball into the solution and press it gently onto the affected area. Gently press the cotton ball onto a pimple for 3-4 minutes before rinsing it off with water.

5 Aloe vera gel

Scoop out the fresh gel of an aloe vera plant. Dip a cotton ball into the gel and gently press it on the troubled area. After 5 minutes, rinse off with water. Repeat the usage of this effective home remedy at least 2-3 times a day for visible results.

6 Castor oil

Dip a Q-tip into castor oil and gently apply it to a pimple on your eyelid. Allow the oil to stay on the affected area for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off with tepid water. To banish an eyelid pimple, try to use this age-old home remedy at least twice a day.

7 Guava leaves

Put a handful of guava leaves in a pot of boiling water. Let the leaves boil for 10-15 minutes before taking the pot off the stove. Allow the homemade solution to cool off for a little while. Once done, soak a clean cloth into the solution and gently place it on the affected area. Try using this remedy at least twice a day to

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effectivel­y treat an annoying eyelid pimple.
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