The Free Press Journal

23 schools to have AI & robotics labs

Representa­tional image of robots

- Melvyn Thomas

The Surat Municipal Corporatio­n (SMC) plans to transform Gujarat education by equipping 23 SUMAN Schools with cutting-edge Artificial Intelligen­ce (AI) and Robotics facilities. The program will give 10,300 students cutting-edge instructio­n in these new technologi­es, marking a watershed moment in the city’s education environmen­t.

The SMC earmarked Rs5 crore to set up the technology in the schools. This ambitious effort intends to expose students to the technical and theoretica­l aspects of AI and robotics, preparing them for a future in which such knowledge will be essential.

To assure the project’s effective completion, the SMC began the process of engaging a private firm. This entity will initially be in charge of setting up labs in 18 of the 23 SUMAN schools. The chosen agency will provide trainers, set up labs, and provide all of the equipment required for complete AI and robotics training.

Meena Gajjar, Deputy Commission­er of SMC, expounded on the plan, saying, “A provision of Rs5 crore has been allotted in the SMC budget for 2024-25 for the establishm­ent of robotic laboratori­es in 23 SUMAN schools under the supervisio­n of SMC commission­er Shalini Agarwal. The primary goal is to expose SUMAN students to AI and robotics learning and help them achieve in their discipline­s.”

Gajjar went on to underline the future potential of AI, stating, “AI will be the next future after a decade. The kids will receive training in coding, artificial intelligen­ce, robotics, and drone technology.”

The program is not restricted to AI and robotics. According to sources, students will also be taught drone technology, which has become an important tool and it is used in different fields such as pesticide spraying and land irrigation to more complex applicatio­ns, and agricultur­e.

The SMC intends to create separate ‘drone labs’ within the SUMAN schools. These specialise­d labs will give students hands-on exposure with drone technology, increasing technical abilities.

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