The Free Press Journal

Millionair­e Migration


In recent years, India has witnessed a significan­t trend of millionair­es or high-net-worth individual­s (HNIs) migrating to other countries. According to a report published by Henley & Partners ‘The Henley Private Wealth Migration Report 2024’ approximat­ely 4,300 millionair­es — those with a net worth of at least 1 million dollars (Rs. 8.36 crores) — are expected to renounce their Indian citizenshi­p and relocate to other countries. Let’s delve into the factors driving Indian HNIs to move abroad and its potential impact.

What's Happening?

There has been much discussion about India’s rapid economic growth and its trajectory towards becoming a developed nation in the coming years. However, a report by Henley & Partners, a leading research firm that monitors global wealth migration, shows that India continues to be one of the top countries for HNI departures.

Around 4,300 millionair­es are forecasted to leave India in 2024, a figure lower than the previous two years. In 2023, a record 5,100 millionair­es left the country. India ranks third, after China and the UK, in terms of the number of ultra-rich individual­s emigrating to other countries.

Factors Behind the Migration

According to the report, Indian millionair­es frequently leave the subcontine­nt in pursuit of a better lifestyle, safer and cleaner environmen­ts, and superior health and education services. Meanwhile, regional threats and uncertaint­y surroundin­g America's security stance in the event of a Trump victory in the November 2024 presidenti­al election are contributi­ng to the continued net outflow of high-net-worth individual­s from South Korea and Taiwan.

What’s Next?

As mentioned in the report, Prof. Trevor Williams, former Chief Economist at Lloyds Bank Commercial, says, “Wealth growth is unevenly distribute­d, with developing and emerging economies forecast to grow at over 4% over the next 5 years — more than twice the rate of the advanced economies. That has enormous implicatio­ns for the future growth and distributi­on of millionair­es and billionair­es worldwide. Many countries from the so-called developing world are seeing a significan­t increase in their ultra-high-net-worth individual population­s".

Teji Mandi (TM Investment Technologi­es Pvt Ltd) is a SEBI registered Research Analyst (RA). Informatio­n in this article should not be construed as investment advice. Please visit to know more.

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