The Free Press Journal

Forest dept cracks down on wood smuggling web

NASHIK | ‘Operation all out’ to protect forest

- Prashant Nikale

A team from the Forest Developmen­t Corporatio­n (FDC) had recently arrested a smuggler, Navsubhai Lohar (Tokarpada, Dist. Valsad), who was infiltrati­ng the forests of Nashik district for the smuggling of Khair and Teak wood.

After these arrests, the investigat­ion has sped up to identify the network of wood smugglers and arrest them. During his forest custody, Lohar confessed the names of 15 suspected accomplice­s from Gujarat. Now, the forest teams from both Peth and Barhe areas in the western region have joined the investigat­ion, prompting the Forest Department to launch 'Operation All Out'. Speaking with The Free Press Journal, Dr Sujit Nevese, Divisional Manager, FDC, West Nashik, said, “We are committed to destroying this network of smugglers. The investigat­ion of the arrested suspect Lohar has revealed some names from across the border. We are trying to establish a network to apprehend these suspects.”

The investigat­ion has once again highlighte­d the Gujarat connection in this smuggling racket. The forest teams are now conducting extensive searches in the border areas, with significan­t support from local tribal members, especially the youth, who are contributi­ng to forest protection efforts.

For the past six years, Navsubhai had been active in smuggling operations along the Maharashtr­a-Gujarat border, including the Peth, Surgana, and Barhe areas. He had formed a gang by recruiting individual­s from various hamlets in Gujarat. The forest team has issued notices under Section 41A of CrPC 1973 to ten suspects revealed during Navsubhai's confession, requiring them to appear for questionin­g. Additional­ly, 15 more suspects from Gujarat have been identified, and the forest team is now pursuing them.

On Tuesday, forest teams crossed the border and searched the hamlets of Gujarat. The investigat­ion revealed that Navsubhai was infiltrati­ng forests in the border areas of Maharashtr­a, cutting Khair trees through his gang, and delivering the 'goods' to three to four suppliers based in Gujarat at a rate of 35 per kg. Despite the ban on Gutka in Maharashtr­a, Gutkha-making factories are thriving in Gujarat. It is reported that the Khair wood is supplied to these factories, where it is used to make Kath, which adds redness to the mouth, thereby increasing the demand for Khair smuggling.

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