The Free Press Journal

Inter-religion couple beaten up

- Staff Reporter

Miscreants severely beat a girl claiming that she was talking to a boy of another religion and also thrashed the boy with kicks and blows near Rangeen Darwaza on VIP Road on Tuesday afternoon in Chhatrapat­i Sambhajina­gar. The mob of miscreants dragged the girl by holding her hair and beat the boy black and blue.

A video of the incident, which took place around 3 pm near the Chhatrapat­i Shivaji Museum in Subhedari Guest House area, circulated on social media.

A collegiate girl wearing a burkha was talking with a boy near Rangeen Darwaza on the VIP Road on Tuesday at around 3pm. Some people came near them and asked the girl why she was talking to a boy of another religion. She told them that it was none of their business. The aggrieved mob then dragged the girl by her hair and severely thrashed the boy with blows and kicks.

Tension prevailed for some time in this area due to the incident. On receiving the informatio­n, the City Chowk police immediatel­y rushed to the spot. However, the thrashed victims and the miscreants had fled from the scene by then.

The police have registered the incident in the police diary. It is the second incident in this year, when the youth of separate religions had been beaten up. Meanwhile, DCP Nitin Bagate and PI Nirmala Pardeshi and her team seized the CCTV camera footage of this area and also implemente­d Nakabandi to search the victims and the miscreants, but none of them was traced.

A video of incident that took place near Chhatrapat­i Shivaji Museum in Subhedari Guest House was widely circulated

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