The Free Press Journal

‘Never flying Air India Express again’

- Staff Reporter

Author Aditya Kondawar took to X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday and lashed out at Air India Express and Air India over flight delays and untidiness. He further expressed that he would pay extra but would not fly Air India Express or Air India in his life again.

"Dear @AirIndiaX, Thank you for teaching me a very valuable lesson last night. Never, and I mean it with all seriousnes­s - I am never flying Air India Express or Air India in my life again - I will pay 100% extra cost if needed but will take other airlines that are on time. Will take a bullock cart but not your airline (sic)," Kondawar wrote.

Narrating the incident, the author said his flight was at 9:50pm which took off around 12:15am. "The flight was stinking and the seats were so dirty and full of stains," he added. He said he reached home at 3am. Kondawar concluded, "I have immense respect for the Tata group and their leaders I expect perfection from them always and this is a disaster honestly speaking!"

Commenting on his post, Air India Express apologised for the inconvenie­nce. "We apologise for the inconvenie­nce caused due to the disruption in your flight schedule. Please note that the incoming flight was delayed due to reasons beyond our control. We will look into the issue raised regarding your aircraft experience and will fix it," read the comment.

"We never want our guests to have such an experience, Aditya. Rest assured, we've noted your feedback and will look into it. Please consider this an isolated incident and give us the chance to serve you better in the future," it added.

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