The Free Press Journal

Sena (UBT) takes out ‘water pollution palkhi’ in protest against MPCB

- Ankit Shukla

Shiv Sena (UBT) workers took out a 'water pollution palkhi' on Wednesday in protest against the Maharashtr­a Pollution Control Board (MPCB) in Pune, alleging negligence in cleaning the Indrayani River ahead of the Ashadhi Wari.

Before commencing their wari on June 28, the warkaris reach the temple towns of Alandi and Dehu. However, this year, they are set to encounter the disturbing sight of a thick layer of toxic foam on the Indrayani River, where they perform their rituals.

Shiv Sena (UBT) workers alleged that they have consistent­ly informed the MPCB about the dire situation of the river, but officials have ignored their pleas.

Sanjay More, Pune City chief of Shiv Sena (UBT), told The Free Press Journal, "The Indrayani River has been heavily polluted for several years. We have made numerous representa­tions to the government regarding this issue, but no action has been taken."

"Our warkaris drink water from the Indrayani River. Due to the chemicals discharged into the river, the health of the warkaris is under threat. This is due to MPCB's negligence, and therefore, we have initiated a protest with a 'water pollution palkhi' at the pollution board's office, chanting slogans and playing drums."

Meena Pawar, a Shiv Sena (UBT) worker, expressed, "Treating devotees visiting our city in this manner is unacceptab­le. They are our guests, and such negligence hurts our sentiments."

Speaking on condition of anonymity, an MPCB official told this newspaper, "We will identify the spots and conduct audits of companies near the banks of the Indrayani River to halt the discharge of chemical waste into the river."

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