The Free Press Journal

Cure for shoulder blade pain


Rajshree Vora

Scapula area pain, often referred to as shoulder blade pain, can be a common issue and can arise from various causes.


Dull or sharp pain, depending on problem.

Stiffness causes difficulty moving the shoulder or arm, leading to stiffness.

Burning or tingling sensation around scapula. Pain with movement. Radiating pain that extends to the neck, arm, or back.


Overuse, poor posture, or lifting heavy objects can strain the muscles around the scapula.

Trauma from accidents, falls, or sports injuries can damage the scapula or surroundin­g tissues.

Nerve Compressio­n

Conditions like herniated discs in the cervical spine can compress nerves, causing pain.

Injuries or inflammati­on in the rotator cuff muscles can lead to pain in the scapula area.

Inflammato­ry conditions such as osteoarthr­itis or rheumatoid arthritis can affect the shoulder blade.

Referred pain comes from any other organ but can give pain.

Repetitive overhead movements, common in sports like tennis or swimming, can lead to scapula pain.

Home remedies

Avoid activities that exacerbate the pain to allow the muscles and tissues to heal.

Ice and heat packs help to reduce inflammati­on.

Gentle stretching exercises can improve flexibilit­y and relieve tension in the shoulder area.

Engage in exercises to strengthen the muscles around the scapula.

Maintain good posture while sitting and standing to reduce strain on the shoulder muscles.

Gentle massage around the scapula area can help.

Sujok Therapy

Massage or press gently on highlighte­d area till you feel better. You can apply moong seeds (hold it place with a surgical tape) and red colour (use sketch pain).

(Rajshree Vora is an obesity consultant, dietitian and nutritioni­st, Sujok therapist, counsellor, and yoga therapist. You can write to her at enquiry@rajshreeyo­

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